Its nute burn no doubt . Nothing you can do to fix this now its too late, next grow use the same nutes -25% and you will have more green leaves right till the end giving you much more weight from the energy drawn in by those healthy leaves.
Problems with Micro-Nutrients
Zinc Deficiency
Problem: Younger leaves start yellowing in between the veins. Leaf tips get discolored and start dying. the leaves will take a unique banded appearance and the plant will stop growing vertically. There will be much less space between new nodes which...
2 x400w for summer and the 2x 600 for the rest of the year if things get worse. You can simply put 2 400w hps lamps in same sockets using the 600w ballasts.
If the ambient temp is high then its very hard to keep the temps low.
88 deg is ok its just for summer . If it gets over 95 turn one light off for that day.
Its very bad nute burn after you cooked it with your herbal tea shit. I dont think it can recover but flush and hope for the best. Plants are very sensitive to sudden jumps in ppm.
There is no use top dressing with anything it wont do the job as the gnats come out of the drainage holes. A natural way to stop this is with a pair of your mums pantyhose (or yours but that a totally different issue) and put the pot in the pantyhose and ties it around the stem.
Dont re use old mediums ,too much salt in there also pests etc. Go down to the local forest and get some top soil if your on a tight budget.
The pellets are slow release fert which is also no good for potted dope plants. Miracle grow will be ok just work up from 1/2 strength.