Its not going great is it? What is that medium, its like red mud with not much aeration. Also probably best you dont piss in the pot again, its too hot for the plants and its fucking disgusting..
Dont use any seeds from these plants again. If the nanners had pollen falling out of them you will have quite a lot of seed at harvest on all plants. The pollen is almost weightless and moves easily thru the air with exhaust fans.
Reduce watering, when you do water feed at 1/2 strength. Also get some air exchange in there and some fans, looks like a storeroom clean it up a bit mate there shit all over the floor beerboxes etc.
They are in terrible health and they aint going nowhere by the 2nd June .
I dont know what happened but i think the soil from the backyard your using is the problem, weeds and shit in it , no aeration too thick its like mud. Get some decent medium next time, cant do much with these ones.
Its going well. Some of these soils build salts quickly and leave burn spots on the leaves. Nothing to worry about unless it gets worse and closer to the top.
Its a major issue and i dont think it will pull through, rotted main stem = death. H202 wont help,stop spraying that area with anything. Keep a fan blowing on that area 24/7 and hope for the best. What is that medium btw? it looks like a bowl of cereal.
No its no mold. White mold is found along the stem from the inner bud and you can see its happened with a dying yellow/brown leaf coming out of that area. If it was mold on the outer bud it would be brown mushy and the whole bud riddled with mold.