Remove all the burnt plant matter, your bus will grow a load of like thin stems of bud from where you cut. People call it foxtailing sometimes. A bunch of thin buds close together but you can pull apart, you should keep an eye on the bud for mold from now on as lots of new growth close together...
Intresting I can't really help as I haven't experienced this problem. What I can say is that don't totaly rule out light leaks. I once had 2 strains on the go and over the course of afew days, during which I was doing DIY in my wardrobe, I had some light leaks 1 strain was unaffected whisky the...
That plant is definatly suffering from a nutrient deficincy but it isn't N I promise you that lack of n starts on lower leaves and is a lighter less vibes colouration than you are seeing you need to look at a picture chart. That plant has plenty of nitrogen
He didn't get paid by work and needs the money to get to school. I say your plan is fine people will buy anything and it will be dry enough to sell in 7 days
you have failed to grasp the simple part of the observation, go and cover a bud for your grow and don't cover a similar sized one and see which is better.
Despite what everyone has said on this thread I believe that light 'defoliation' can be beneficial to the plant. Typicall by the end of flowering I have removed 50% of the leaves and firmly believe that I increase my yield because of it.I haven't always done it but came to find it beneficial...
Since your always starting from seed is favour 2 plants begged for less time than 1 vegged larger. As you will probably pull similar amounts at harvest growing 2 or 1 plant but you will get a faster turnover with a shorter veg period.
Apologise for my jape nobody was replying and I was bored, all cannabis plants are fundamentaly the same you can top them all and train them all as long as your environment is good they will respond, I'm sure your la confidential would have been fine breeders just need something to say so they...
Plants grown like that simply don't have the capacity to compete with the yields you can produce with a scrog though so can't really see how this helps at all
Looks ready enough if it was under a hps I think you benefit from another week or so but that's probably your lot with CFL's so you could go ahead and chop