i am using fabric pots for my flowers, but this one is really just a tester/donor for cloning, so i didnt put as much attention into it. It did serve as a good lesson on how much water my soil would hold and how long it would stay wet, im adding a bunch of perlite to it from now on.
Day 20 after transplanting rooted clones. These girls are growing great. Im always wanting to water or trim or do something to them, but at the moment they dont need anything from me.The hardest part of this is doing NOTHING! LoL all thats left is just to watch them grow ;)
Thanks! yeah, i usually only soak them down when i transplant and use compost tea.even with a lot of perlite this soil is wet so im trying not to overwater them.
i watered today with a mix of seaweed extract and molasses. I decided to do an experiment with my runoff and i took a drop and put it on a slide under my microscope. I was amazed to see all the hundreds of and perimecium, and nematodes and stuff swimming and squirming around. I even saw a...
i love to see the plants 'praying' and stretching towards the light that tells me theyre happy and everything is going good in my soil.today some of the leaves are almost vertical.
i havent used the R.A.W products but i used their formula to come up with a combination of ingredients comparable to it for way cheaper. There are 10 things that learned about through their video that help the plant/soil microbes to function.
1) N-P-K, you want a small amount of available...