This is the Cocos from the bottom of the pot. I dug down and pulled some out and it's quite dry for the bottom so I would agree now more water is the answer.
So likely an N deficiency due to under-watering, the root systems are quite advanced and deep so the plants are most likely not getting the amount on N they need. I am currently hand feeding them when the lights come on with Phd water and superthrive. Ill add a 1 min feed to the cycle, so over...
They are growing in straight Cocos with a 5inch space at the bottom of the pot. They are also in two pots. I just had a dig around in the soil and the roots seem to be ok. The soil is moist but not damp or wet at all kinda the same as when you get it out of the bag. I'm getting probably about 5...
Because I am trying everything I know to fix it and Im not having any success so a healthy discussion to eliminate the possible causes was needed to make sure I didnt make things worse.
I doubt its over watering as I have only been feeding them once a day and they are in exactly the same stuff as Canna Coco just a different brand. Im thinking its more of a deficiency than over watering most likely N. I have tested the soil and run off at a PH of about 6.0
Here they are...I have tested the soil PH and its about 6.0 The water temp of the feed water is a bit cold at about 2 deg C! Its winter time here. The temp range in the room is from 23.7C down to 16.4C = 7.3 degree drop when the lights go out so this may add to the problem. I have switched the...
No idea what's going on, I'm feeding enough to keep the Cocos damp not wet, Nutes are at 900ppm I'm still getting the claw and yellowing on the leaves. The plants seem to be growing well enough but not filling out and not quite as fast as normal. I don't know what to think. They aren't dieing...
I'm feeding in Cocos only because it retains so much moisture I don't have to feed as regularly as with soil coco mix or perlite. Temp is nominal for the room area and I have a large extraction fan that changes the air out regularly enough. Have included a pic but couldn't do it under normal...
My plants are now in 50L Pots in coco. They are receiving 1feed a day for 1min. The nutrients are Canna made up to 700ppm. Room temp is between 16 and 27 degrees C. Humidity is fine. The soil is moist with a dry layer on top. I'm seeing some white salt build up on the soil for some reason...
Thanks Scoobs, they are in 10" pots and I normally have them in 50L pots by now. Im just curious so bring them back to health what would you do? I would just stop watering them as much for next while.....
I have these under a 400 w hps. They are growing ok but there is some yellowing on the leaves and they seem to be curling a bit. They look much better under normal light. I'm using Canna Nutes at about 700ppm and phd water just a little bit every afternoon. What do you think? Any problems?
I have been doing this for years and have had an absolute nightmare lately. On the plants Im seeing the leaves go yellow. It started on one plant then spread to the rest.
1. Yellowing started at the bottom about 3 weeks into the bloom cycle.
2. Spread throughout the plants slowly.
3. Was...