I have a blue OG that when my lights turned on i found 3 leaves that had what i thought was PM. So i turned off the fans, removed the plant, and removed the leaves and put them in a zip-lock bag. I left the bag to go get my scope and get a better look but when i got back there's no white on the...
looks ok to me. if they are growing uneven just poke them back down through the screen. If you want to reduce stretch you should lower the lights if possible.
What kind of soil is that? dont look like enough perlite. I would guess its looks like 3 things bad drainage, soil too hot, heat stress. I would put them under the clf for 2 wks.
You dont have to aerate store bought water, but when you add worm castings or juice it will have to be aerated. just put the hose of the air pump in the jug. 5 gal. bucket works better and less mess.
After i found that out i bought a meter and just bubble my water till the PH drops to 6. That way i dont use PH down, if i need to raise it i just add mare tap water.
Thats a small tent, do you have room for a bigger one? If it has to be that small i would look a the square trash cans at wall mart, paint the inside white and save 60.00 for the best soil and pots
learn the proper way to dray and cure buds.They must have been too wet when you put them in the bag.
You have to take just as much care when drying as when growing if you want good smoke.