Wipe everything down with ISO. Cut at a 45 just before the gel, but scrape the bottom inch or so of the cut too. Stop spraying the cuts, spray the underside of your clear plastic. Open lid little at a time after 2-3 days.
Not everyone can go pick up cuts. Things def. have changed. Most "breeders" offer crosses of elites. Now, there are quite a few making s1's cheaper, although I don't no of the quality (no experience).
No, I won't be making anymore purchases from gt due to my access and his prices.
People pay thousands for certain cuts, will pay hundreds for seeds crossed to an elite cut, but won't pay $25-40 for s1 of an elite cut...lol...I agree he's a moody guy, but I have talked to him for an hour at a time bout growing. Your choice to buy or not.
I put 22 cuts in rock wool cubes and into a small clear plastic tote. Using a not to sunny window roots are showing well on most. Another 4-5 days should have all rooted.
These were not in great shape after shipping either.