watch that seroquel, i had some side effects that never went away....leg twitching n shit like that. it was like kicking dope when i got off it too.
on the other hand, i'm glad you found some relief!
you can join the union i'm in with a high school diploma or GED. apprentices start around $15-18 for 3 years with yearly raises till journeyman in 4th year. pay up to $55 hr.
don't like when someone treats you that way huh....either did i! he's a hack piece of shit, pretty easy to look up his genetics n see where they came from. know what your saying before opening your mouth.
seems you don't even know what names he goes by. spend your money where u want. he stole cuts from subtool, but subs ego won't let him admit it. "pig farmer" was there when the cuts were stolen!
alph or jay, whom ever he goes by now is someone i will never buy from again (we've met). very unscrupulous imo! he's a thief on top of it. he's far from a breeder in my eyes.