Sorry mate i saw the pipes and thought it was hydro, ph should be 6.5 in soil.
Signs of Nitrogen Toxicity
Dark green leaves and foliage
Leaf tips may turn down, without signs of overwatering.
You may notice yellowing on the affected leaves or other signs of nutrient deficiencies as time...
Its not nute burn although youd think it was with the cocktail of stuff you have in the mix. Next time start the seedlings in lighter mix like coco or peat until you get your medium and feed dialed in properly. You cant just throw a random mix together and expect it to work like a pro grower ...
I dont think its nute burn as most leaves are hardly affected and with nute burn most leaves are affected. It looks like light bur/bleaching. how close are they to the light?
Light stress often first appears around the edges of leaves, while inside veins stay green
This cannabis seedling is...
Not the right soil for the job. The brown spots are nute/salt burn either from soil too hot,feed to hot or/and you letting the pot dry too much between waterings giving you salt burn( rust spots) .
What do you expect its the internet? millions of opinions most wrong. If you want to be a successful pro grower you need to dial in you way of doing it which is simple with little chance of a fuckup. If something goes wrong work it out yourself, think ,it will come to you and you will then...
When you get rot at the base of the trunk the plant will die or always struggle as it cant feed properly. Start again and in future watch the wet rw or pebbles aren't covering the lower plant stem.
It could be mate, ive had this happen, moved them away from the light and long white hairs appear in the final 2 weeks of flowering.. The strain has an issue to be this sensitive if thats what is wrong. Can you move them to a shadier area for a week to see if that helps with the stress?
I think its an issue with the strain not nute burn. Short dying hairs with little to no resin production will give you light harvest that wont be very strong. Let them grow, ive seen this before (similar) when the weather cools the buds start producing long white hairs with resin, hopefully...
Change the nutes, if you only gave it 1/4 strength and burnt the tips like you have something is wrong. Also ph should be 5.8 and you cant stop feeding at this stage or you will end up with a very light harvest.
Start new flowering nutes at 5.8.
That strain is for outdoor growing only in tropical regions. Its too tall and stretchy for indoor and seems to flower when its ready not when your ready. Dont change anything just the strain.