Glad I only have to use the Alaska fish once until my fox farm trio nutes arrive. The shit STINKS lmao. NOBODY warned me lol. Smell aside it looks like the little dose I gave them is doing "something"
Glad I only have to use the Alaska fish once until my fox farm trio nutes arrive. The shit STINKS lmao. NOBODY warned me lol. Smell aside it looks like the little dose I gave them is doing "something"
Just a dash?!?!?! Well that's good to hear I guess. I'm over here about to have a heart attack... Got some Alaska fish emulsion 5-1-1. Added 2 tsp to a gal of water. Was pissed off because I had already watered them for the day before I mixed the nutes... gave about 1/3 of the nute water to each...
A little over a month into veg and sadly I think I have my first problem :(. The leaves towards the bottom and some mid way are yellow/green and yellowing more. Any suggestions? Soil is ffof. And they have NOT been giving ANY nutes yet. I think it's a lack of nitrogen. Any temporary nutes I can...
A little over a month into veg and sadly I think I have my first problem :(. The leaves towards the bottom and some mid way are yellow/green and yellowing more. Any suggestions? Soil is ffof. And they have NOT been giving ANY nutes yet. I think it's a lack of nitrogen. Any temporary nutes I can...
A little over a month into veg and sadly I think I have my first problem :(. The leaves towards the bottom and some mid way are yellow/green and yellowing more. Any suggestions? Soil is ffof. And they have NOT been giving ANY nutes yet. I think it's a lack of nitrogen. Any temporary nutes I can...
They are really bushing out. It's amazing watching lst work it's magic day by day. Plan on letting them veg another week or two at the rate they're going. My goal is atleast 4 o's a plant lol. Haven't given any nutes yet. They look good so far from the ffof. But will be looking to add some soon
They are really bushing out. It's amazing watching lst work it's magic day by day. Plan on letting them veg another week or two at the rate they're going. My goal is atleast 4 o's a plant lol. Haven't given any nutes yet. They look good so far from the ffof. But will be looking to add some soon
They are really bushing out. It's amazing watching lst work it's magic day by day. Plan on letting them veg another week or two at the rate they're going. My goal is atleast 4 o's a plant lol. Haven't given any nutes yet. They look good so far from the ffof. But will be looking to add some soon
My lights are about 1 ft away from my tops. I know ppl say keep them farther away and all but I don't see a problem. No signs of heat/light stress. I water every other day. Yes I guess I wait until the pot is light to water lol. I can tell the difference of the weight before and after watering...
30 days from seed. 8 days since being topped. Have been "trying" to lst lol to try and get more light into the plants' "guts". When the branches get long enough to "shade out" the lower ones I tie it down
30 days from seed. 8 days since being topped. Have been "trying" to lst lol to try and get more light into the plants' "guts". When the branches get long enough to "shade out" the lower ones I tie it down
30 days from seed. 8 days since being topped. Have been "trying" to lst lol to try and get more light into the plants' "guts". When the branches get long enough to "shade out" the lower ones I tie it down
I don't think they are big enough personally lol. They are in five gallon pots and although they look big they are about the size of the pot to me. Maybe smaller. I need a good yield (atleast 3-4 oz's off each plant) lol so going by growth so far I think it will benefit me GREATLY to veg for a...
4 days after being topped. Plants are exploding with growth. Think I HAVE to do some lst to get some light to more of the plants insides. Plan on switching to flower when they are 3 ft tall so final height will be around 6ft so from the looks of it I'm going to be vegging for atleast another...
4 days after being topped. Plants are exploding with growth. Think I HAVE to do some lst to get some light to more of the plants insides. Plan on switching to flower when they are 3 ft tall so final height will be around 6ft so from the looks of it I'm going to be vegging for atleast another...
I'm not moving my plants lol. They are in an unused bathroom walk in shower. The drain is right in the shower floor. I have them just sitting on the floor. All run off and mess runs down the drain. No cleaning up needed for my op . All I do is water and move them around