Thanks for posting! When I say use the bathroom fan I'm not talking literally per se. I mean remove the fan cover and possibly the fan and connect my ducting and exhaust to the hole. I would never run that gun continuously like that. And I did install a small fan in there and I already see...
Thanks!!! Yea I turned it up to 400w about 2 days ago. Temps remain constant around 73 F. In your opinion when should I crank it up to 600w in order to maximize my grow. I was just going to wait till I set up my exhaust for the heat lol. They are growing WONDERFULLY so far. Can't wait to see...
Went and bout some new equipment yesterday. Got a small desk fan and have it set enough to make the leaves gently rustle. Also picked up a temp and humidity monitor. Temps are currently 72 F with the lowest over last 24 hr being 64 F and highest 78 F. Humidity currently 50% with the lowest over...
Went and bout some new equipment yesterday. Got a small desk fan and have it set enough to make the leaves gently rustle. Also picked up a temp and humidity monitor. Temps are currently 72 F with the lowest over last 24 hr being 64 F and highest 78 F. Humidity currently 50% with the lowest over...
Went and bout some new equipment yesterday. Got a small desk fan and have it set enough to make the leaves gently rustle. Also picked up a temp and humidity monitor. Temps are currently 72 F with the lowest over last 24 hr being 64 F and highest 78 F. Humidity currently 50% with the lowest over...
This is new... ok so no intake fan. But exhaust. Should I aim to exhaust and filter the WHOLE bathroom and use the ac vent for temp control? If this is the case would smell escape the room when the ac is not blowing even with a carbon filter. That's my biggest concern. Smell seeping through the...
Ok. Like I said last night I dialed it up to 400w and came home this morning. The heat is a difference lol. Still not too hot though because the bathroom has ac and I can open the door as need be. Just moved light up because of heat. Light is about 12 in away now. I use the back of my hand to...
Thanks for replying!
1. I know that this gap needs to be covered. The problem I have is what/which way would be better and more efficient. I had a few ideas about this... One idea was to use cardboard with panda film on it as a little door. Cut 2 holes in said door for intake/outtake. This...
I know about the negative pressure. As you can see from the pics the shower has no door. I was thinking of "sealing" this gap with cardboard with panda film taped on it. Then cut out holes in the cardboard for intake and outtake. I figured this would be a way to somehow "seal" the shower and...
Like I said I dimmed the ballast to 250w because I read somewhere that seeds don't need all that light and it would be a waste of $ to start them out @ 600w. Only thermometer I have is a digital one for when your sick but I plan on getting one soon. @250w my light isn't putting out too too much...
1. I was thinking that. I don't mind a little smell escaping as I go in and out of the room but I don't want my home smelling like a farm. Do you think I would have to seal the ac vent on the wall that blows air into the bathroom? I know leaving it open will be a huge plus as far as temp and...