Your correct about the panda film. I think you misunderstood what I was trying to say. The bathroom has an ac vent in the top left corner that you can't see in the pics that blows air INTO the bathroom from my central ac unit. On the ceiling in the same bathroom there is a regular bathroom fan...
I plan to add some clip on battery powered fans. Thinking of recharable batteries vs more $ on the light bill. I plan on getting a carbon filter but I know I done need it yet so I plan to spend the money on stuff I need and can utilize now. There is no window in the bathroom. If I use the ac...
Yea I know that. How to get it done is where I'm stuck at. I was thinking of somehow making a "door" of some kind that would serve this purpose as well as seal the area in. For example one of my ideas was to use cardboard with panda film as a "door". Then cut holes just big enough for my intake...
Thanks naija for posting. There is no shower door. Only a shower curtain which I will remove soon. There is an ac vent up top to the left that you can't see. There is also one of those bathroom vents that sends the stinky air outside. The bathroom is connected to an unused bedroom. There is no...
Thanks assmatic. Being a newbie I'm not too too familiar with all the big terminology lol. When you say node are you talking about pair of leaves? Because they already have 3 sets of leaves
Hi all this is my first grow ever. I've read and read and figures what the hell. As a new grower I do have some "things" to figure out and that's where I'm hoping you all will come in and steer me in the RIGHT direction lol. But onto my setup and equipment etc so we can get to my QUESTIONS and...
Hi all this is my first grow ever. I've read and read and figures what the hell. As a new grower I do have some "things" to figure out and that's where I'm hoping you all will come in and steer me in the RIGHT direction lol. But onto my setup and equipment etc so we can get to my QUESTIONS and...
Hi all this is my first grow ever. I've read and read and figures what the hell. As a new grower I do have some "things" to figure out and that's where I'm hoping you all will come in and steer me in the RIGHT direction lol. But onto my setup and equipment etc so we can get to my QUESTIONS and...