TIP: If you do a build like this one, I would suggest using a reflective tape to cover surface areas such as the white plastic lids shown. Keeping light out of DWC is very helpful!
I would like to see someone run this type set up with an LED show. If anyone cares to give something new a try, I would bet you could make the front cover of a mag with quality photos and a healthy run...
Never the less, good design idea. Someone run with it and enjoy!
DWC bubbler with integral SCROG
A combined DWC tub and SCROG screen for a single plant.
What you will need
Light proof tub with well fitting lid (at least 20ltr capacity)
20mm pvc pipe for scrog frame (i used a total of 5x1m lengths)
4 x 90deg fittings (to suit pipe)
4 x 45deg fittings...
ADD: Seed breeders don't often include the notion that you may never see the "super strain" even after successful germination of every seed available (no one wants to hear that); Or that you may end up with something far better than that of which is advertised however, those super genes are...
"One of the hardest things about breeding is that you have no way to select your males"
Speaking of Ideas for thought, (love this thread BTW)
Males can be selected according to their ability to carry traits. You can make a controlled test to determine the "passable" traits of the males by...
Well, I suspect your question is more related to " finish weight"
An untrained plant will grow as large as its genetics allow. A trained plant that has a screen mesh inches above it, will grow as large as that screen allows/or you allow it to grow beyond....
No matter what you do with your...
We laugh at people that say something funny...
Alright! Well Ill tell ya what buddy. Its a little experiment like that one that usually get the point across to folks. Your be scoggin rooms before you know it. :)
Well that's where your experience, and mine meet. I assure you there is.
I would simply take a mesh/screen with the same dimensions as just inside the tent. Lets say your tent is 4X4, you want a 3'11" X 3'11" mesh. Add zip ties to each corner and secure them to the uprights of your tent by...