Yup, monthly account fees no one else has etc. Problem is U.S. backed processors like Chase which have much better rates and terms ain't touching anything mmj related. Yet. So im kind of stuck unless someone has an alternative?
Moneris jacked our processing fees when we told them we were expanding our offering to MMJ and related accessories. I'm currently negotiating with them to go back to the old rates. When that's done (give it another week), I'll post a link to our website where we'll have the option of a group buy.
Ok buddy lay off whatever you're doing, read what I wrote CAREFULLY then make your sarcastic comments. Let me reiterate: That is the policy of CanniMed NOT the policy of the manufacturer. Meaning it's what CanniMed want's to do, not what they have to do. Any other reseller can do whatever they...
Jackal I don't know man. You see everything so negatively. Not everyone and everything is out there to get you. It's like anything anyone writes you try to find holes in it, or try to attack them with your posts. If that's your modus operandi that's cool everyone is different I guess but it's...
I think they launched the Medic line in 2010, so it's got no connection to LP...MMPR or anything like that UNLESS...the secret society planned for the MMPR in 2014 and launched the product 4 years earlier just to get you to sign up with an LP and stuff their pockets with your money.
Yup plus I'm assuming that a bit of the extra markup is due to it being a certified medical device (them knowing that you'll be able to claim at least a portion of the cost somehow).
I'd love to but there is a minimum advertised price in the contract. So I cannot publicly post any price other than the MAP which is: $669
The receipt part...well of course, how else could I sell to her? We don't sell things out of the back of a truck. NOW if there is more interested folks...
PLUS shop around for it. Make sure its the Medic version not the digital or whatever else. Then P.M. me on here and I will see if I can get you a better price since I have an account with the actual manufacturer ;)
What angle do you mean?
I haven't had any direct dealings with them, so I don't have an opinion one way or another. I am however an eternal optimist so I see no issues until proven otherwise.
From the quick look I had describing the study, they are in a sense replicating the studies done by Sativex but on a more limited scale (not launching a new drug). They will be looking at the efficacy of mmj cannabinoids on pain receptors. So in a sense it does not matter how good the bud is as...
I think these guys are one of a couple (a number) of applicants backed by some fund or other. I remember reading is somewhere just cant find the reference. If you do a google search a whole bunch of company names come up and you can trace it down. Zenabis basically is the trade name associated...
That's on the lower end of the scale.
I would also assume they will use a number of programs to offset up to 50% (rough estimate from no data on my end).
I'm happy to see there is movement on this end regardless of corporate backing. The raw data is what counts.