i think so as well and other stuff like dealers buy 150g just the 1time then put cheap black market goods in the package and be legal. they will get theft and robberies i mean they gave out locations for lps on the radio lol
ya with every order i have always got nice freebies. never had germination trouble with herbies but friends say no problem. i am canadian and i should try bc seed king in future.
my order comes so fast and stealthy best seed distributor i have used. every order comes and they go above and beyond lately offering to replace any seeds lost no questions asked. what a company. heavyweight fruit punch have germed already 48hr. thanks herb
ya but every storm you will be biting your nails and it will become a kite. they are flimsy and if you get storms build one or even a decent carport is gd. anchor it well man lol i had a 700lb carport become a kite last yr it was $1700 kite. my hand built are still standing strong with 6ft of...
ya jack the ripper is what i was thinking at least it mit surprise ya and be preffered. some phenos dont appear in all packs of seeds but amos and many others like it. you mit even get a better pheno. wish ya luck