No you cant go by equivalent. equivalant my ass they lie. They are 27watts x 3 = 81 you will need at least 6 total of those bulbs to get er done. Keep in mind thats just the min. not trying to be mean just want you off to a good start.
Have you grown in it yet? If not i would make a run in it first and get a fill of it. the tents are tall for a reason. Trust me you will want the added space because of heat if nothing else.
the fan hole size is 6 so when you put on a reducer it works fine with 6" duct. And dont think it would be good for two separate tents unless the lights were set "fixed" to the same height at all times. too many curves.
They make different things that clam to add citrus to the taste but never seemed to do anything. IMO the tast is strain related and the only thing you can do is make sure you dry and cure it right this time around. Dont matter what you add to it if its not cured right then all is lost.
It takes longer to cure for storage than that. about a wk to hang dry then into jars opening the lid a few times a day for wk or two. If not it will mold, Curing is just as in portent as growing IMO.