Sorry bud but I really don't agree with that.
So what you're trying to say is that if I grow the same exact strain cloned from the same mother that I'm going to get a different high from how I finish it? Not true. The potency can fluctuate a little bit but the high is going to be the same no...
If you're referring to me and you think I gave terrible advice point it out and show me where my advice was terrible and what was wrong with it and what i should have said. Hit me with some of your master grow knowledge there brother. You've said nothing or helped in any way what so ever. All...
I'd be a complete liar if I said I've never harvested a plant before I should have. But nothing worse than having the feeling of man I wonder how much better or more I could have got if I let it go longer.
Oh my wow.
Sure it does. And yes you can gain some mass once the trics are past prime. Look its a way bigger deal to pick it to soon then it I is to go too long no doubt. Once again I'm just say how to tell when your at THC peak. I'm not gonna let the potency go down just to get more bud. But...
I realize a lot of strains do different things but I've never seen a strain that starts out with the seems to me like a lot of people need to invest in a small microscope! I may be new to this site but I'm bout 30 years from being new to growing
I have no clue how to give a like. Was trying to figure that out. First site I ever seen this. Thought I was on Facebook for a minute don't know nothing about giving likes but sure as hell can tell when my cannabis is at full potential. That for some reason seemed like it was a pretty...
Not a chance. But like mentioned you need to know your strain. If you let the trichomes go past peak they get more brittle witch makes it easier for them to fall off. that simple
Like I said already. If you growing bud for something other than gettting the max thc level? Then be my guest and go another route. But yes there is a point where the THC level will get no higher and that is when its done for me. This is determined by the trichomes end of story nothing else...
Simple! Read what I wrote. Easier to break off once they amber. Also its NOT getting any higher in potency, its done. And yes some strains amber up completely at peak especially outdoors. But not most by far expecially indoors.
The trichs is all that matters. When there all clouded and a few are turning amber its at peak. If you let it go to much longer the quality will start going back down hill. Basically the more amber they get the more brittle they get and makes it much easier for them to fall off during trimming...
:: First off DUDE what makes you think my comment was directed at you? Oh that's right because you've made that ridiculously stupid move! And your gonna call others on here noobs?lmao That is with out question a noob mistake. I couldn't give 2 craps when you harvest YOUR bounty mofo. If you...
There fine leave em b. Much worse craters to worrie about then them. All rooms have some type of bugs in them. Just goes with the territory. No spiders or mold and your good.