aww my posts getting deleted? wanted to just point out how weak your argument is when you have to resort to weird pedo-y shit. can't handle the truth?
as stated, you're why people don't stick around on this board, beyond fucked up that riu is cool with this as their image. apparently if you...
lol ok one more. you have more posts than anyone else on this site yet they're all cringey bullshit remarks, sure you're not a little (mega) autistic yourself? ;3
forcing medicine against someone's wishes is unamerican period, end of story. you can say what you want past that, but you clearly...
but there are potential adverse reactions. and purely for the fact that a child is being forced by the state to be vaccinated is entirely unamerican. scary stuff
those are all too tall tho. ended up ordering 2 lagarden 2x2x3 tents that I'll just cut and tape together or something. doesn't have to be 100% light sealed, just growing autoflowers
Amber trichs on day 55? ok then...
one of the plants was ready for harvest (thank you 420scope) so I took 'er down and trimmed a bit. buds are drying and hope to have the other plants harvested soon so I can be done with that closet!!
thanks for the help guys, this is my first real grow and...
day 47/48 from seed? alarming how fast they've gone, obviously not ideal but oh well xD
n thanks yeah they're gettin a little bigger every day - noticed more bugs (in lesser numbers now) so just wanting to get this grow done with and toss all the dirt n pots out - no sign of them in the tent...
well! been a while and not sure what the issue is/was, there were bugs of some sort but killed them off- just hit them with mammoth p for the first time today, been feeding roots organic grow n bloom and some calmag for the last week or two now and they have seemed to appreciate it, leaves are...
every time i make canna-oil (with coconut oil) i make some tea at the end. once i'm done straining out the oil and everything from the product, i add some nice loose leaf tea to the greens and let it sit in some hot water for a few minutes - it loosens up the oil that the plant is still holding...
looks pretty dead on, that's exactly the type of damage - showed the guy at the hydro shop some vid of the bugs I have and he said they're for sure not aphids as they move too fast and don't really look like them. they didn't have the stuff I wanted to kill them with anyway (botaniguard) so...
yeah i see now that was stupid, was just following the same moves as someone else who did a successful grow with that method. started using spring water instead^ i do have calimagic to use but didn't want to throw too much at the plants right now, any clue if the bugs in this vid are aphids...
it does ><
just doesn't look like them but it makes too much sense not to be. anyway, going to hydro store in a bit to pick up something to try, not sure yet, i'll see what the owner has to say about it. i do know i'll need some PREVENTATIVE stuff, absolutely terrified these guys will take...
ok a new development - i'd checked for bugs a ton of times before, flipping over all of the leaves and examining closely, but now if i shake up the pot a little then tiny little white crawly bugs come up and crawl around the top of the soil. no bugs at all on the actual plant - but i'm thinking...
the American people had no good choice. one wanted war with Russia and the other gives no fucks about climate change. there's no winning with choices like that