thanks :D yeah they oughta love it, conditions are beaaaauuutiful. stays between 75-82 degrees, humidity at 40, air is nicely circulated, etc. spoiling them for sure except for their first feeding of filtered tap water today as im out of distilled water. poor guys - if they explode and die at...
nice, yeah I was surprised it made a small difference in rh even with it being unsealed and everything. no water drops that I could see, and while I know it's almost completely pointless it IS helping keep the humidity in the 35-40 range rather than 30. amazing lol.
to add to my closet of mini machines I saw this little humidifier at the best buy checkout xD any clue if it'll harm the bulbs/ballast? throws off a tiny amount of moisture but have it in front of the fan so the moisture isn't accumulating anywhere
also: pics of the little seedlings. the...
this. there's no reason we can't have wind/solar on every roof/yard, if you disagree then sorry but you're a victim of big oil propaganda. nuclear is insanely efficient but the potential risk is beyond bad and shouldn't be seen as the solution. if we invested more heavily in research of...
woooo :D
after i get a home inspection scheduled (insurance company needs to do a survey) and completed, i'll set up my 4x4 grow tent and amare se 450 - that'll def be one to watch too :P
and good to know man, thank you. there's so much misinformation on the web - "emergency blankets are...
thanks man. going great so far - this morning the temp below the light matched the temp above the light (77) - not sure what that's about but i'll take it lol. one of the three little seedlings is reallllly taking off and i'm sure he'll be a beast (as beasty as t5 allows lol)
k after running them 24/0 for several days now with some air circulation but no venting system it heats up the ~2x4 space it's in by about 5 degrees and it's a further 5 degrees warmer beneath the light (house is 72 degrees, closet 77, under the light 82). once they're beyond seedlings I'll move...
3/3 sprouted, 1 of which is off to a blazing start.
some quick questions if anyone's following.
is aluminized polyester the same thing as Mylar? bought a $2.50 emergency blanket cuz I forgot to buy reflective stuff from hydroponic store (gonna get some panda film or something when I head back...