They will be like that right till the end and isnt too much of an issue. Ive had a couple like this before and i would straighten the leaves myself so they are catching more light.
Can you reduce the lighting? these plants are not ready for 5x 1000w and this is why they are clawing and stunted. Its more light intensity stress than heat stress. Plants that you would put under the 1000w are bushy healthy and a lot more developed than these stringy looking things.
The soil is no good for dope growing and is causing this leaf yelllow/drop. Salt build up ,lack of nutes, too much nutes, doesn't hold water ,holds too much water are the problems soils give you. Use quality coco next time with hydro nutes so you control what happens in the medium. As for this...
No not really but if you persist they might do something. Next time use jiffy pots to start the seedlings and cfls for a week after germination , the rich soil can fuck the seedlings and has done here.
Just like oils aint oils, coco aint coco if you know what i mean. Get the pre mixed coco for growing dope, its expensive but works, not sure what is wrong with the coco you have but something is.
They were a bit slow kicking in weren't hey? Over 5 week since rooting and only a foot tall. Anyway they are going well now and will go well under the 600w.
You got 2 choices son, either earn you stripes by helping people on the forums OR become a social butterfly on toke and talk and earn you stripes talking shit.
Get some better medium like coco. You have thrown together any old mix and bob's your uncle. When you put together a mix willy nilly anything can happen out of your control, eg ph out, too much food, too little food, slow release in pots and so on.
The new light has caused this, intensity and heat ,and it looks like a major issue. Put them back where they were and work out how to cool the 600. Also when you start flowering don't shove them right under the HPS ,slowly put them under. Cut the giggling to there is no time for fucking around.