thats a pretty nifty little drying screen there, i think im gonna steal your idea :) looks better than my little "hanger wire in a box" dryer lol i bet it dries super even like that.
you could do what i do, take your hps ballast and extend the wires and mount it outside the grow area. a cool tube would help too. carbon filters only help so much then they clog, exhaust the air somewhere undetectible, or use ona gel, which ive never tried but they say it works.white paint...
i tried using perlite once, (not exactly a hempy,) but failed i built an aero cloner/dwc, it has an air stone and 3 sprayers to deliver the nutrient solution. since i made that i have not once failed to root a clone.
i used a similar setup once, it had a gravity fed reservior of water only. i would put in a strong batch of nutes and the water would gradually thin the solution as it evaporated and was refilled with water. that would be slick if you could turn the whole water dispenser into a grow box. hollow...
im not sure what brand or company makes my e-cig, there was no name on the package. what is a drip atty?, id like to have something more like smoke than vapor as well, is there a way to mod my e-cig to crank out more power? would i have to build a new coil?
i went ahead and attempted to thin this hash oil with the butter flavor. used about 2 ml of flavor with about a 1/2 gm of frozen hash oil. i put the flavor in the cup and heated it up a bit and then dropped the hash ball into the flavor..i let it boil rapidly for about 10 minutes and the hash...
haha thanks .ive had years of practice hiding my grows, since i was about 12 ive been building stealth grow boxes to hide it from my parents and the law and so forth. i started before decriminalization so ive always had to be stealth, my first real stealth grow was inside of home speaker box, i...
i got to looking at my extracts and noticed two flavors that the the two main ingredients are water, and propelyne glycol.followed by flavor and color. no alcohol.the two flavors are butter, and vanilla butter and nut. im thinking about experimenting with one of these and see what kind of...
i got to looking at my extracts and noticed two flavors that the the two main ingredients are water, and propelyne glycol.followed by flavor and color. no alcohol.the two flavors are butter, and vanilla butter and nut. im thinking about experimenting with one of these and see what kind of...
i just got a cheap e cig that takes e-liquid, i want to use it to vape some hash oil i got. the hash oil is nowhere near liquid, ive heard of using propelyne glycol and vegetable glycerin tictures to thin it out, but i also heard a guy using water...has anyone done that before? and i had the...
i just got a cheap e cig that takes liquid form of tobacco stuff, i want to use it to vape some hash oil i got. the hash oil is nowhere near liquid, ive heard of using propelyne glycol and vegetable glycerin tictures to thin it out, but i also heard a guy using water...has anyone done that...