Now for my 3RD Dimension!! These women are about day 35 they induced flowering just shy of the pandoras box. They seem like they want to be coming to a finish, they have not bulked up much at all. 3rd D is a medium height plant about 2 1/2 to 3 feet max. They are all heavily triched these...
PANDORAS BOX Day 38 of flower!! Yall tell me what you think, the pictures dont totally do them justice. PB is very triched up nicely caked on, all of them smell very rotten but citrusy like crazy lots of lemonade type smells to me um theres one I smelled yesterday on the phone with a frienad and...
Just som epics if youd like to know what strain is what just ask, the more triched pics are the 3D the others are Jilly there are no pics of PB!! 4 weeks 5 days into flower!! Haze2 :bigjoint:
I think I have excellent drainage they only stay moist for about 3 days with 1 1/2 gallon waterings. So what could they be from?? I have been having some issues with my humidity Im finding out that my dehumidifier cant seem to get the room down past about 40 45% piece o shit paid almost 200 on...
Yo Dillweed I just read the whole journal, absolutely great. What did you pull off the VKs by themselves?? What kinda flavors are you talking about with that stuff?? Haze2
What Iv heard and what I guess I believe now is that, trichomes are always degrading during the light cycles and then at night is when they reproduce everything it lost and so much more. It is also what Iv heard to be the reason people will leave the plants in the dark for a day and a half...