Pretty much. Pheno is short for phenotype. Pheno is the expression of the genes and reaction to growing conditions - or what the plant looks like pretty much.
I believe true phenotype is meant to define the expression of the genotype - or genetic make up.
One more thing. Ever since I quit flushing my plants have finished earlier and the flowers were thicker, more potent, looked way better to the end, and generally of better quality.
Not being smart. There is tons of info on this site along with dozens of comments both pro and con. I've read it, thought about it, tried to fact check it, and decided not to flush. So - what do you think?
I'm thinking atmosphere. Something from the interior plus the heater plus larger room and new air movement/exchange parameters. One batch of bad medium could do it as well
Good luck
I think it has something to do with the moisture holding capacity of the vermiculite. Drainage dynamics in container grown plants can be messed up pretty easy. Let us know what you find.
Good luck
In late flower the high temps could lead to the plants expressing some types of stress. Throwing out pollen sacs is one possibility. I also think the temps might cause airy buds but not positive.
Good luck