I've changed the water out a couple times with fresh reverse osmosis water. Which seems to correct the problem for a few days, I'll see plenty of new root growth. But after a couple days, the roots dry out or something. They turn into crispy little skinny threads and break off. There actually...
I'm feeding them a nutrient line called Root Farm. It's a two part feeding sytem. One basic nutrient and an advanced nutrient. I'm not sure if it has Calcium and magnesium in it. But it claims to have everything a plant needs from seedling to harvest. This is hard, making me wanna switch back to...
So i'm having a reoccurring problem with my plants roots. The roots start out very healthy. Plump, nice and white with little white hairs sticking out. But after a few days, the start to get extremely skinny, dry out and get crispy until they eventually just break off. I am pretty confident it...