They do dry out in between each watering cycle because I thought so too that my drains are clogged but they were not so I don’t know man. It’s like very random,one tree dies in one corner and then the other one completely on the opposite side of the room.
I have 3 rooms and 2 water tanks. Each room the drainage is separate. 2 smaller rooms get watered by one tank and the bigger room has its own tank.
The water tanks are not connected to each other. First sick plant was in the big room,and then I got another one in one of my smaller rooms...
Hello grower here,a little over a year experience.
Learned a lot in the past year or so but can’t figure out this issue I’m having this time around,so some help would be much appreciated from you folks!
Let me start by saying that I’ve had some issues with these plants ever since I...