true dat... but nothing beats, when you have a week or so off, that first toke....with a deep inhale and slow exhale, tasting the smoke, feeling your eyes droop and legs go to jelly... makes my mouth water just thinking of it
you can get them in like glasses forms and you plug it into this little box there is loads of different settings for different things like stress and sleep, its called a mind lab or something, my dad used to have one
No quotes up so here is one
Who can say "meow" the most? You guys are real crazy, hey look out for these guys.
Hell I can say "meow". I can say "moo", for twenty bucks I'll call the guy a chickenfucker.
yes i find it rude when friends depend on getting there weed from you.
i dont mind sharing but ive had a friend stop buy asking for a little bag of trimmings as i didnt have any weed.
it also pisses me off when you have weed and end up rolling like 3 or 4 before they roll one
are you going to keep coating it in oil and leave it a month?
i think the leaves go crispy if not.
either way that is fucking awesome ive always wanted to do one
i hardly drink atall, if i go out like up town or something i will drink alot but other then that i dont drink much, i can go months with out noticing i havnt drunk.
its about to change tho im going to uni in 2weeks so i will be drinking quite abit.
smoke everyday :-)
i always pick little bits to smoke during the waiting time between harvests.
i only take the smaller buds and they are always covered in thc and gets me high, better then anything around on the streets in my area