Ok, you are right, that might have come unnecessarily harsh.
Let me go over this again:
I already have a tent I am going to work with (I am not going to cut holes and modify it's integrity)
I can handle cooling it.
I am going with HPS/MH lighting out of personal preference and hesitating...
I appreciate your input, THE KONASSURE, but nothing you wrote is relevant to my setup or the situation I described. Lets stay on topic please :) Thanks!
Thanks MichiganMedGrower,
I'm going with HID, it's my personal preference. I find it more elegant and less fuss about.
By 'more than intense enough' do you mean stress for the plants? I got the impression 250W was a power rating often matched with this grow area. I'm prepared not to be quite...
Hey you guys, I know, this is a subject reheated over and over again, I have searched many diufferent threads and forums, but failed to answer all my doubts.
I have a SJ DR60 tent which is 2x2 and little shy of 6 ft high, which is quite tight.
There will be some ducted ventilation in it going...