You'll want to make sure you're removing location data if your using a smart phone to take pics. Go to the app store and search for 'picture exif editor'. It will allow to to view and edit any embedded data that your phone attaches to your picture files.
Oh ok. I'll let the mods know that they have to ban anybody with a plant count under 20 because you said so. I'm sure they will thank you.
I don't know which is more sad, the fact that you strut around a weed forum acting like a bully, or that you aren't even good at it. I've been civil to you...
What a silly, elitist thing to say. So only commercial growers are real growers? There are hell of a lot more personal/hobbyist growers in the world than there are large scale commercial ops. If you think that way why don't you and all the other weed tycoons go start a private club where you...
DE I assume would do the same thing to maturing larvae as they attempted to leave to soil as it does to the adults as they try to lay eggs in the soil. My question would be, how much damage would be done to the root system during the maturation process? I'd like to kill the eggs/larvae before...
Thanks for all the input y'all.
I didn't over-water, I am very careful about feeding/watering. I did, however, have my dehumidifier die and I didn't catch it for a couple days. Have to assume that was the initial cause.
Like I said in the first post, I've had them before many moons ago and I...
Yeah I know the adults aren't harmful.. but I don't want the larvae attacking my roots. I have heard the potato idea but wasn't sure whether it actually works or not... thanks Vos
Seeing a few of the little bastards buzzing around and it's been years since I've had em. In the past I always used a combination of microb-lift bmc and sticky traps or mosquito dunks and sticky traps. Just curious if there is anything new on the market that I should try that you all think is...
If you can keep your temps in check, hps is probably the best type of light for a new grower. I prefer LED, but you can't beat the price and reliability of hps for new growers. It just does what it's supposed to with minimal fuss.
It's all about grow style. Due to legalities and plant count restrictions we can't all run SOG. Long veg with lots of training (as in SCROG) can make up low plant counts. It's a trade-off.
I've heard of some particularly obnoxious sativas going 18 or 20 weeks. Not saying yours will, but at 9 weeks on a haze it's entirely possible that you have 3 to 5 weeks left.
*edit* after looking more closely at your latest pics I'd say more like 2 weeks.
This! It was a total revelation for me when I stopped blasting my plants with all that 0-X-Y NPK nonsense (X= a bazillion, Y= a metric shit ton) that nutrient companies peddle. I keep my NPK fairly balanced throughput now and IF my girls ask for it I add a bit of extra P or K to my normal formula.
Couldn't agree more. I have also tried it all... full on flush, heavy feeding all the way til the end... but time and time again a slow taper with a final watering or two of nice clean water seems to give me the best balance. Like most things in life, the best path often lays in the middle way.
If you are in soil and choose to flush I wouldn't worry about pH adjustment. As was stated above, RO has so little tds that it will pretty much take on the pH of whatever it is added to. Personally I don't flush according to the traditional definition of the term. I taper my feed slowly over...