Just a short visit. Been months since I've been on here, and a few people I remember getting pretty awesome with. If you wanna keep in touch I'll check this again in a week or so... or when my drunk ass can remember. I have facebook and e-mail, so just message me and let me know.
Hope you are...
Yeah, maybe jumping off a tall building after a sweet climb, and shoot yourself in the head right before you hit the ground!
But maybe it would be better to do something kind like taking out a child molester or something along those lines before cutting the line.
28 years young.
I don't want your fucking pity story. I don't want your sympathy either. This is a hypothetical question, to not only help me, but everyone else who may have ever thought the thought.
What do you think would be the fastest, most painless way to kill yourself?
Not saying I am...
I wish the guy was a nice person... sucks he wasn't a very good person. Either way, I'm glad someone like that isn't on the planet anymore... but I hope he died in a way that wasn't too painful, same as I would hope for anyone else who hasn't hurt me or my family personally.
Take the problem of free will for example, that a god (whatever god you want, make one up if you want) created the universe with the Big Bang, and everything in that universe is like clockwork, no choice, just the illusion of choice. No self, just the illusion of self.
I understand that I...
If I can Imagine that my thoughts and actions, everything about me, is merely part of a simulation being played out by another creature in another realm, and that I am only being given the illusion that I exist... in that sense, I could doubt my own existence as merely an illusion.
The whole time bro!
I am so thankful I have a girlfriend that enjoys watching and learning about the universe, maybe not as much as I do, but she still likes it.
Neither can you, or anyone else for that matter, because doubt exists. Unless you pretend you are certain, unless you pretend that doubt does not exist. Unless you actively ignore the concept of doubt, or infinite possibility.
If you want to skip right into the juicy part, why not tell me a...