Man im lazy at updating, tell ya the truth i don't have a camera. Was looking at the lumix. I will update when iv got some decent pics.
Thanks for poppin by dropa will update soon
Dunno whats up with red haven't spoke for 5 months or so?
Dude i have to say that some of the hardest fighters i know are gay. Hey ronnie kray the hardened gangster had buttsex. Would cronic obsession tell him it was silly?
Im a married straight guy and wouldn't dream of anal sex or 'BUTT SEX' huh huh. Sounds a bit beavus and BUTThead to me. Weird ass...
Has anyone of you sativa lovers grown this?
Hello sativa fans! Its nice to see some peeps who dig true sativas like i do. Man dense does not mean the best. Iv had some loose as fuck hawaiian landrace that flowered for 28 weeks and was great. Not practical for indoor growing but im glad i did and will do it again. Dutch passion mekong high...
Nice bro, It seems that kushs are the way forward. Iv just finished my last indoor puresativa grow. Flowering takes way to long and it gets boring staring at it. I loved Reserva privadas og and kandy kush. Im gonna do a cali conection next. Got some emerald triangle seeds to try out as well...
Great for cristmas that, seriously what jondamon said is how it is. Check for light leeks. Also that thing looks predominitly sativa. iv had one take 4 months to finish. Although it never looked like that.
Missed one out, dutch passion orange bud, lol
Yo DST long time no see i will be seeing ya and the lads on the 600 thread shortly with some pics of the top dawg and con cheese! peace