Also i use 99% isopropyl alcohol. I got a 12 pack of 1 quart bottles off amazon for $25. But Everything else the same way, 30 second wash, metal strainer with (brown unbleached) coffee filters, Alcohol and buds/trim frozen for a few days and put into freezer after wash then refilter
Thats already exactly to a tee pretty much how i was doing in although one tip you may or may not want to try...The very last step after you transfer to parchment, use the flat style hair straightener on the lowest setting and set it to the lowest setting (100-150 degrees) and set your parchment...
do you wash any longer than 30 seconds? oh 1 thing i was wondering... I plan on washing for 30 seconds and i have saw people wash more than once but they do the 2nd or 3rd was into a different container so basically have 2 or 3 different batches. Why wouldnt you do all your wash into the same...
I heard original ONA gel balls work good to neutralize smell... well i habe 3 of them throughout my house and they didnt absolutlyNOTHINGGG. Shot is pungent with just a hint of citrus
thanks. I have the room black/no light with temps 63-68 and humidity %50-%60. OMG BRO the smell is Sooo strong. My ENTIRE HOUSE STINKS. If I open a window my whole block stinks lol