thats why I'm worried man, it seems towards the end of each grow I get a spidermite infestation somehow! or somother crappy problem
these pics suck for some reason my camera is acting up and being really slow and just mean.
I didnt like the movie near as much as the book.
but if you think about it. I mean, 42 man!!!! its just so obviouse! when I read that I was like wow! I never thought of it lie that, its just soo true, it brings a tear to my eye
thanks man, yea I love grow bags!!!
no problems so far... its worrying me... probably mean I'm going to run into trouble near harvest :(
choppy chop :)
Pics tomorow I guess, I went out for a bit and lights are off now
not only do we want pics, but we need pics, and when you need somthing thats a responsibility, that only an adult can handle... do you see the imortance of these pics man?!?!?
if your driving and not suspciouse looking I dont even hide my stash while traveling over the boarder usualy, but a plane... well thats a different story, I would just have it mailed to myself, and take a small amount on the plain if necessary