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  1. Mirrordawn

    Screw me!!!!!

  2. Mirrordawn

    Screw me!!!!!

    Like the Obama administration?? Haha please you don't even know what the fuck you are talking about. I bet you are still paying for all the damage your liberal friends did.
  3. Mirrordawn

    Screw me!!!!!

    Bubbles is the worst character in Trailer Park Boys
  4. Mirrordawn

    Screw me!!!!!

    Go to sleep ... OH WAIT YOU CANT
  5. Mirrordawn

    Screw me!!!!!

    As I recall the race was one of the tightest and just because you and your noodle allowance boys on roll it up stroke your ego, doesn't mean majority of America doesn't side with Trump
  6. Mirrordawn

    Screw me!!!!!

    Employers fucked their employees out that money don't be blaming republicans for that shit. A lot of those loans also helped a lot of people but you don't bring that shit up do you??
  7. Mirrordawn

    Screw me!!!!!

    You regurgitate the same bullshit and your political leaders capitalize on it because they you're too fucken narrow minded to think outside the shit you've been spoonfed.
  8. Mirrordawn

    Screw me!!!!!

    Dude you got nothing .... ZERO
  9. Mirrordawn

    Screw me!!!!!

    Facts Trump lost Still contested Facts A majority of Americans don’t want trump More Americans voted for Trump then Obama. Facts Biden got more votes and won more states Popular vote means nothing and you know it. That is still contested. Facts There is no evidence of cheating or stealing...
  10. Mirrordawn

    Screw me!!!!!

    FUCK OUTTA HERE WITH YOUR CNBC ARTICLE! You can't pay rent with monopoly money fool!
  11. Mirrordawn

    Screw me!!!!!

    Anyone speaks out on your fake news regurgitating bullshit is quickly called a snow flake. FACT
  12. Mirrordawn

    Screw me!!!!!

    Facts? All those things are easily disputed but your mind is ignorant you're not even willing to bring them to light. You leftist run these forums like Hitler. FACT
  13. Mirrordawn

    You're Fired! Sale

    Oh look the only way your generation shares information. Through memes ... because most of you don't know how to read or write properly ... :lol: :lol: :lol:
  14. Mirrordawn

    Screw me!!!!!

    Another boring attack on Trump. Liberals surrendered all their creativity for the sweet chains of socialism? Get off your couch pussy bitch
  15. Mirrordawn

    You're Fired! Sale

    As much as the left spams the forums with their attacks? I think not and it's a pity that there is no conservatives representatives willing to speak up.
  16. Mirrordawn

    Postal worker admits fabricating allegations of ballot tampering, officials say - Washington Post

    Your house of libertarian values is crumbling around you and all you care about is getting a man out of the white house. The integrity of very democracy you preach is at stake but all you care is about is further dividing America. Why don't you liberals practice what you preach? If you really...
  17. Mirrordawn

    You're Fired! Sale

  18. Mirrordawn

    Aussie Growers Thread

    Lol the voice of reason
  19. Mirrordawn

    Need some help!

    It looks really dry to me. How often do you water it?