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  1. Mirrordawn

    Aussie Growers Thread

    Shit I'm sorry if I don't post enough links to songs or talk about how much coke I did over the weekend. I'll try to make further contributions in that sense. You guys don't talk about techniques or how you want to improve on things and if you do it goes on for a few posts before someone goes...
  2. Mirrordawn

    Screw me!!!!!

    Excuse me waiter, Yes .... someone put a hypocrite in my forums.
  3. Mirrordawn

    You're Fired! Sale

    Believe what you want to believe ... There is more than enough evidence to support my claim. If you want to refuse to look at it because it goes against your political views then that's a sorrow loss for your progressiveness
  4. Mirrordawn

    You're Fired! Sale

    These threads are nothing more to inflate the egos of Liberals and further cause divide between views.
  5. Mirrordawn

    You're Fired! Sale

    Ahhh the pedal stool of all Democratic values. Insult and discredit everyone who has an alternative view ... BECAUSE DEMOCRATS ARE 1000% CORRECT ON ALL ISSUES! THEY NEVER MAKE MISTAKES
  6. Mirrordawn

    You're Fired! Sale

    You want a pedophile to be your leader and I'm the loser?
  7. Mirrordawn

    You're Fired! Sale

    Ahhh whats that ... Another insult by Democrats? People of the safe space???? BIG SURPRISE THERE!
  8. Mirrordawn

    You're Fired! Sale

    You would lose too if all the dead americans voted against you
  9. Mirrordawn

    Screw me!!!!!

    Joe Rogan mememing is not a vaild debate. Write something of substance.
  10. Mirrordawn

    Screw me!!!!!

    This is exactly why your country will further remain divided .... And why the rest of the worlds liberty will slowly decline because of it.
  11. Mirrordawn

    You're Fired! Sale

    Democracy might mean nothing to you, but it means everything to me.
  12. Mirrordawn

    Screw me!!!!!

    Very Buddhist of you ... Teach me your ways O HOLY ONE!
  13. Mirrordawn

    Screw me!!!!!

    Ahhh the founding blocks of the democratic party .... Talks about facts and then deludes it with his own opinion. Can you even write a post without insulting someone? Or have you been doing for so long you don't know how to stop? Do you wake up mad with a angry look on your face every morning...
  14. Mirrordawn

    You're Fired! Sale

    Cause I am. Deal with it.
  15. Mirrordawn

    Screw me!!!!!

    Stop pretending to be Christians. Real Christians don't act that way!!! If you want talk about morality, examine your own words. Because they reek of ignorance and a lack of common ground. Is this the iron pedal stool of the Democratic party? Hate on everyone on the other side regardless of any...
  16. Mirrordawn

    Need help, please!

    Looks great. But I can't tell if the purple-ness on the leaves is genetics or could be a bit cold outside. Maybe plant it closer to spring next time?
  17. Mirrordawn

    Screw me!!!!!

    I didn't say that and it's not even about Left or Right. The free world is crumbling and you couldn't care less. What tone does it set for the rest of the globe? That it is okay to lie cheat and steal, as long as it's your candidate who does it? Like I said. ... Liberals have no facts ... Just...
  18. Mirrordawn

    You're Fired! Sale

    Yeah you traded an arrogant business man for a man who is going to die at any moment. Is that why Liberals are celebrating right now??? Or is it because they mad at shit that Trump is doing everything in his rights to receive a far go? I couldn't care less about trump, but putting a criminal...
  19. Mirrordawn

    Screw me!!!!!

    Thats because all you have to say is insults and scriptures ... Some christian you turned out to be ....