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  1. sallygram

    Trump's Attorney General Jeff Sessions will soon announce a crackdown on state cannabis legalization

    They can however it would be a lost cause since Federal Law trumps state laws and the Federal law is clear. No one is going to leave the US over weed Our best hope is that the individual US Attorneys don't proceed with cases and Trump along with his cronies is ousted so that some sanity...
  2. sallygram

    Trump's Attorney General Jeff Sessions will soon announce a crackdown on state cannabis legalization

    He is definitely going to be cracking down and doesn't care what anyone thinks. Last week he told California border patrol agents to continue to charge people for any amount even though the state legalized. I think he is going to go after banking and the big player in the legal states right now...
  3. sallygram

    Led lights

    My brother has a 240 Watt that is about two years old, when he first got it he loved it but now he loves COBs, He said it is good for a blurpie but produced light airy buds, He have just light starved his plant since he is up to about 400 COB watts right now. I use Quantums and love them
  4. sallygram

    Seed or Clone?

    I seem to get a little more weight from seed grows but if the plants are the same size when flipped then it is very close. Right now I am going back to seeds due to a few light harvests from clones but I go back and forth.
  5. sallygram

    2500 watts / 4' X 4'.

    Go with the Quantums, you will thank me later. But my big question is why do you have three plants in one pot? That just opens a can of worms that could lead to root competition and possible stunted budding or growth over it.
  6. sallygram

    Black Hash 20 yrs ago.

    I remember the Anarchist Cookbook had a recipe in it but I recall it had pine tar in it. Now with wax and oil no one seems to be making it anymore
  7. sallygram


    Okay someone asked me if I have a potato, is that a pound? I have enough trouble with the metric system I really don't understand this vegetable system , an Oz is an Oz not an onion....
  8. sallygram

    Ozone Generator Question?

    I had an ozone generator, I forgot to turn it off one day (it would turn on for 5 minutes an hour) it killed any plants near it. After reading all the cancer warnings and seeing that I retired it.
  9. sallygram

    Mixed tent SSH x NL x Hash plant - Any ready yet?

    Can't tell without a good magnification of the trichs, but close you can always tell when the lower leaves start to yellow. I know that the growers bible says when 75% of the hairs turn brown you should chop it but that is outdated I have grown stuff and had 80% brown and been pissed at how...
  10. sallygram

    Allergy like symptoms while trimming

    I also have issues with this. If the respirator works please update us, Damn I don;t like dabs because I feel like I am smoking crack soon I will be in a tyvek suit wearing goggles and an air pack that just looks so bad....
  11. sallygram

    DIY with Quantum Boards

    Right now I have 24 plants in flower out of that 15 are different strains I don't do true hydro (some consider coir as hydro -I don't) the good thing about growing perpetual is that if a plant needs more time I can always just leave it and not worry about clearing the space for my next crop...
  12. sallygram

    DIY with Quantum Boards

    Dude not to criticize but those plants could yield a hell of a lot more with bigger pots and longer veg times. I don't know what your situation is but if you can get the plants a little larger before budding you will be very happy
  13. sallygram

    DIY with Quantum Boards

    I use Gen Hydro Maxigrow and Maxibloom I add in a little epsom salt. I use Koolbloom for the finish (plus some leftover Overdrive for the final two weeks. I grow in coir usually in 5 gal buckets I am slow upgrading to 8 gal tubs, I drill lots of side holes in them in order to have plenty of O2...
  14. sallygram

    DIY with Quantum Boards

    Scrog I run kind of a perpetual garden, two plants under each light, dual slate QBs (I have 2 qb288s and 4 qb304s plus a few cob set ups and I run far red at the end of the cycle). I have a total of 11 light stations and once a week I usually pull two plants. Here is an old pic of 1/2 of one...
  15. sallygram

    DIY with Quantum Boards

    I think you will get it. I can't take a pic now (company) but I am more even but a little more sparse. I defoliate a lot more but usually keep my lower branches if they are close to the top. I grow a lot of different strains and use coir so I am a little inconsistent.
  16. sallygram

    DIY with Quantum Boards

    Pretty steady at 1.5 gpw I was only getting 1.1 with CMH. I think that if I ever upgrade my pots to 8-10 gal I can get a little more.
  17. sallygram

    DIY with Quantum Boards
  18. sallygram

    DIY with Quantum Boards

    I just got 4 more QB120s-Ordered on Thursday got them today! Impressed at how fast they came HLG just seems to be getting better and better and since I am averaging 1.5 gpw right now I am VERY HAPPY!
  19. sallygram

    DIY with Quantum Boards

    I know what you are talking about-it is the power cord that Robin supplies with his QB kits he sells a kit on If he see this he may tell you where to get them if he is out.
  20. sallygram

    Vero 29c vs hlg 550 / humidity questions

    #robincnn can tell you about shipping to the UK