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  1. Ryax

    The Pro Miracle Gro Group

    First wedding cake complete lower res budshot photo, will take another when it is dry. using only Miracle Grow Potting Soil and tap water no problems whatsoever 2 gallon pot grew extremely fast but was a little shorter than the 3 or 4 gallon ones . however the bud structure completed itself...
  2. Ryax

    Is my plant ready for harvest? (autoflower wedding cake from ilgm) [high res zoomable images]

    thanks, ill try to go another 2 weeks i think it looks amazing but ill trust you guys and keep waiting this one grew very fast, compared to my others that do not have any orange hairs at all .
  3. Ryax

    Trichomes & Harvesting

    do you guys think my autoflower wedding cake is ready?
  4. Ryax

    Is my plant ready for harvest? (autoflower wedding cake from ilgm) [high res zoomable images]

    This is my autoflower wedding cake i have done a bit of flushing with extra water, but i clipped the yellow leaves off . i should have left them . more than 80% of the hairs have turned orange
  5. Ryax

    Buds with no hairs?

    i have no idea whats happening but can i speculate? perhaps when flowering, it flowers differently with a male - type pod structure rather than a hair type female structure (obviously not a male, but perhaps it maintained a small piecce of genetics from a male ?) is there actually more potential...
  6. Ryax

    Buds with no hairs?

    that's absolutely amazing.
  7. Ryax

    The Pro Miracle Gro Group

    zkittlez auto different wedding cake or zkittlez auto pheno, leafy but buds are thickening fast wedding cake
  8. Ryax

    The Pro Miracle Gro Group

    So ive been growing a few in miracle grow potting soil again!!! They're looking PHENMONEAL compared to the crap that i tried last year. at first i had them under a junky light because it was raining way too hard for way too long outside they didnt get as big as i wanted them to, because i...
  9. Ryax

    Alternatives to hanging a light from ceiling

    Maybe i should be looking at indoor grow tents , but they seem very expensive. i already have 2 giant 8 bulb T5 LEDs
  10. Ryax

    Alternatives to hanging a light from ceiling

    Hey ive been looking at grow stands They have one that is 4 feet high, which wouldnt be too bad if i jack it up a little? But perhaps a indoor grow tent would be better suited for me - im just looking for something to hang my light from do you think i could use a 8 bulb T5 light with this stand?
  11. Ryax

    The Pro Miracle Gro Group

    so i found it it was not nutrient deficiency simply lack of sunlight from my plants being indoors while it was rianing for 3 days straight . i now bring my plants outdoors and put them in a greenhouse when it gets warmer (not first thing in the morning) miracle grow {potting soil} still...
  12. Ryax

    brown marks on leaves [with photos]

    should i get some bloom nutrients like tigerbloom ? (i need to show you guys my bigger plant)
  13. Ryax

    brown marks on leaves [with photos]

    ill post more photos when i have a chance. where it forms, the leaf feels very wet. but then when i put it under a fan instead of the leaf dying it dries out i have a feeling it could be because i moved them into a greenhouse (its 50 degrees out here) that it might be the humidity, as i did...
  14. Ryax

    brown marks on leaves [with photos]

    just miraclegrow potting soil, but theyre very old plants i had to force flower them with trash bags no nutrients/fertilizers fed only water only using Nuke Em spray for mildew
  15. Ryax

    The Pro Miracle Gro Group

    see my above post, maybe i should add the bloom fert now (after i order it)
  16. Ryax

    The Pro Miracle Gro Group

    these brown marks started appearing shortly after i had to bring my plants inside because it was raining outside for a few days then, because it was getting colder out, i started to put my plants in a greenhouse is it because i am not getting enough airflow? im worried because i see it near...
  17. Ryax

    brown marks on leaves [with photos]

    these brown marks started appearing shortly after i had to bring my plants inside because it was raining outside for a few days then, because it was getting colder out, i started to put my plants in a greenhouse is it because i am not getting enough airflow? im worried because i see it near...
  18. Ryax

    FROST: general rules from experience....

    my biggest plants are flowering, but im only beginning to put my smallest ones into flower i do have a greenhouse, perhaps i should set it up i hope my plants dont die from the cold :( i am in NE NY