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  1. S

    lighting question

    from what i was reading metal halide is better then hps as a main light but im new so ill take any suggestions
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    lighting question

    during the beginning of the plant i was using just 2 42w CFLs. Now that im going to start flowering i bought a 100w metal halide just wondering if this is sufficient lighting. its only one plant. and as a fun little story when i was putting up the metal halide it slipped and fell on the plant...
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    First time just wondering on the health of my plant

    in the last pic i posted the leaves are not soaked its just a little over watered from when i flushed the soil(unless your talking about the pics at the top of the thread). and i know its a little small looks smaller in the pic its over 2 feet tall but its my first grow and i had limited funds...
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    First time just wondering on the health of my plant

    The pictures at the top of the thread are of my plant at weeks 1-5. i had some problems in the last week. brown spots and tips of leaves. thought it was calcium different and used lime it helped slow some of the spotting but didnt fix it 100% so i flushed the soil thinking i could have over...
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    Dieing leaves very slow growth HELP HELP

    My plant was growing just fine and fast then i started gettin yellow leaves the last few days after they turn yellow they turn brown and die. im using schultz 10-15-10 plant food every 3 or 4 days for now thats all i had the money for atm. im not sure if its calcium deficiency or over...
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    small brown spots

    im using schultz 10-15-10 once every 4 days
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    small brown spots

    I was using heavy nutes but i cut down cuz i was using it too often. its only 6 weeks old im sure she will heal
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    small brown spots

    thanks thats good to know
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    small brown spots

    Thats what i thought it was just wanted some confirmation. thx
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    small brown spots

    I have small brown spots on some of my leaves anyone have any ideas or tips. before it gets worse.
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    First time just wondering on the health of my plant

    its just one plant just took pics over 4 weeks its 6 weeks old. and from my understanding mylar is 99% reflective when put up right, but i could be wrong. The top didnt break off i just pinched it over and its now recovering 3 days after i pinched it.
  12. S

    First time just wondering on the health of my plant

    This is my first time growing just wanted to post some pics to see what other people thought about the progress of my baby. you can see after the fourth pic i pinched her to help the under growth i have pinched her 2 times so far shes about 6 weeks old. just want some feed back to see how Im doing.