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  1. cherrycoke77

    2nd plant ever 4 weeks in budding

    I am using the shultz 2-7-7 sense its the only thing I could find without having to go online near me. I was wondering about the main sun leaves. They started to loose their color when I went into flowering and they have been just dying off. I read up that is normal but I do not know. In all...
  2. cherrycoke77

    2nd plant ever 4 weeks in budding

    I believe its a half gal pot. ( not to sure! ) for the basic pots you get at the store there are 3 sizes like small medium and large. I have the medium about 10in high and 10in in diameter. I cant wait to chop it up and enjoy the natural flavors. I herd/read that Radioshack has good...
  3. cherrycoke77

    2nd plant ever 4 weeks in budding

    was also wondering if the pot size will make my buds stay the same? I feel that I have a small pot for this plant. I wanna move into a bigger one but I do not know if that will shock it and kill it? Is it ok to transplant it this far in? I wouldnt think so but I can be wrong!
  4. cherrycoke77

    2nd plant ever 4 weeks in budding

    My first one was a complete fuck up!!! but this time I think it came out right! what do you all think MY favorite picture ( no changes just took proper white balance and set my focus point ) to the one below the text