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  1. P

    More fires more smoke filled days.

    I would advise steering clear of the H2O2 as I’ve heard bad things about using it. It seems like people use that if they have rot issues, but if your using plant material that is otherwise fine, it’s better to use the lemon juice and baking soda method.
  2. P

    Yeah! It's Bud Worm Season. Pics

    Well, I had to lop off a top of a cola, despite having a net in place. I crammed too many plants into the netting space and some leafs were rubbing against the net. The moths came and laid their egg through the net and onto the tip of the leaf. Minimal damage so far, but won’t know until I...
  3. P

    More fires more smoke filled days.

    Bud washing is a MUST if you ask me. Who knows what’s in that ash! Lots of people have had great success with it, so I don’t see the downside :confused:
  4. P

    More fires more smoke filled days.

    I’ve only seen blue sky 3 days out of the last 3 weeks. This morning I’ve awoke to a massive ash dusting on my gals. So, so sad..
  5. P

    Is the moon considered a light leak?

    I’ve mooned my plants many times looking for a response, but they don’t seem to mind!
  6. P

    How to harvest early when your plants have bud rot

    Definitely don’t want to spray your buds with Neem oil.
  7. P

    How to harvest early when your plants have bud rot

    Doesn’t matter if it’s indoors or outdoors, anyone with but rot should definitely get that checked out ASAP.
  8. P

    More fires more smoke filled days.

    I’m right there with ya bud. It’s been getting up to 110F here in the East Bay, as well as super smokey. Not ideal flowering conditions in of the slightest. I can tell you I am 100% washing all my buds that were exposed to weeks of smoke and cross my fingers the combo of heat and smoke didn’t...
  9. P

    Yeah! It's Bud Worm Season. Pics

    Ive seen the bud moths around my net and on some plants outside the net, but I have not seen any eggs on my net or on the tips of leafs touching the net. I know to stay vigilant though. I wonder how far those worms can travel, since the bud moths here tend to lay the eggs close to the bud.
  10. P

    Outdoor grow problems

    Check for root aphids.
  11. P

    Outdoor grow problems

    Oh man, yeah there’s something definitely wrong. What medium are you growing in? If it’s soil, check your PH and report back.
  12. P

    Yeah! It's Bud Worm Season. Pics

    Wow, that pic is crazy. The moth we have around here lays a different kind of egg. Usually it’s singular and round, most often deposited on the bud or on a sugar leaf.
  13. P

    2020 rainbow mix grow

    I lost half my crop the first time I grew to budworms. Lesson learned. I now use netting ;-)
  14. P


    I prefer to dry mine over a campfire with S’mores
  15. P

    Outdoor grow problems

    Most welcome! Please do report back then bongsmilie
  16. P

    Outdoor grow problems

    I would just watch and wait to see if the issue gets worse. I don't think it will. Your plants went through stretch, used a lot of N, became N deficient and you over fed. Just carry on as usual and gradually add more nutes later down the road as needed. Your plants look healthy otherwise. BT...
  17. P

    Outdoor grow problems

    I personally don’t see the yellowing of leafs. They could be greener, but I don’t see the yellowing you get with budworms (that happens in the areas that they are/have been active in). What I do see is burnt tips. The OP said he added fertilizer. He probably added too much, hence the burnt tips.
  18. P

    2020 rainbow mix grow

    Do you spray all that with BT to keep the bud moths at bay? Interested to know your strategy with handling that size of outdoor grow in the Bay Area, since bud moths are plentiful here. Thanks!
  19. P

    Outdoor grow problems

    Looks like nute burn to me. Burnt tips starting at the bottom and working its way up.. For the worms, use BT spray. You definitely don’t want to be spraying oils on your flowers nor is it rated by the manufacturer to use for catapilars.
  20. P


    Okie dokie