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  1. Sevenleaves

    Out door 2022 open show an tell

    I had some limbs snap (4) in a nasty storm also, was able to save two of the limbs with tape. The other didn't take. It sucks but it is the risk of being outside.
  2. Sevenleaves

    Out door 2022 open show an tell

    Here's some updated photos from coastal Maine. Things are going well here so far. Plants are bushing out nicely and growing taller daily. The two in pots are something my brother in-law just brought over last week still in solo cups. He asked what I could do, I just kinda shook my head and said...
  3. Sevenleaves

    Out door 2022 open show an tell

    I haven't been able to find any MOB the past couple grows. Those look nice.
  4. Sevenleaves

    Out door 2022 open show an tell

    Here's a few the coast of 207, things are going well. Been in the ground three weeks yesterday and growing, well like a weed.
  5. Sevenleaves

    Out door 2022 open show an tell

    Putting mine in the ground today while it's overcast. I don't think we'll be having anymore real cold overnights here at the coast. They are starting to take over the wife's small greenhouse, I need to keep peace. Trying some 9lb Hammer, Tropical Mountain along with the Banana Punch I grew last...
  6. Sevenleaves

    Help, I'm at a loss, too much water?

    They look like normal plants nearing the finish line IMO.
  7. Sevenleaves

    Maine 2021

    Looks nice.
  8. Sevenleaves

    Lets See Your Outside Plants

    Nice looking plant.
  9. Sevenleaves

    Maine 2021

    I have taken down four so far, two because I was tired of babysitting rot every day, the other two were ready anyway. Still have four in the ground but two of those will be down this weekend.
  10. Sevenleaves

    Bud rot?

    Bud rot is not just caused by caterpillars, although they can and will contribute. Rain and humidity on heavy buds in the fall will fuck you everytime. It spreads fast and can overtake a plant in a matter of days. As mentioned about all you can do when it starts is to cut the bad spots out and...
  11. Sevenleaves

    Maine 2021

    I took down a Banana Punch and two Purple Kush this weekend. I am struggling with the start of some rot on my two OD, they will most likely go next before it gets out of hand. I won't grow the OD again it has been a pain two years in a row.
  12. Sevenleaves

    Maine 2021

    50s isn't cold, you'll be fine. Also there's no need to worry about light pollution this late in the game from a door being open for a few minutes.
  13. Sevenleaves

    Newbe harvest help

    They both look pretty close, you could probably go another week or two, if you choose.
  14. Sevenleaves

    Maine 2021

    Looking good.
  15. Sevenleaves

    Lets See Your Outside Plants

  16. Sevenleaves

    Lets See Your Outside Plants

    A few random bud pictures, each is from a different plant. Still aways to go, but getting there.
  17. Sevenleaves

    Is this bud rot?

    Looks like nice bud to me.
  18. Sevenleaves

    This year's grow

    You'll be alright, your plants will make threw a few light frost, it's a hard freeze that will do them in. I am in Maine and my plants hit frost evey year before the chop.
  19. Sevenleaves

    Fem Auto's with seeds

    There was a time when almost all weed had seeds. We have become spoiled, it will get you just as high as seedless. If your selling it most won't be happy because of the added seed weigh.
  20. Sevenleaves

    Lets See Your Outside Plants

    Filling in nicely.