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  1. Sheldon92

    Yellow Leaf, Whitish/Green Leaves, and bending stems

    I have 3 problems. 1 of my sprouts has a yellow leaf, 1 is kind of white-ish, and lastly, some of them keep bending to near ground level! (leaves stay upright facing light ok) Any help/advice is appreciated! 1) Yellowish leaf on the left 2) White-ish leaves 3) Some sprouts keep bending...
  2. Sheldon92

    Seedling Nutrition Burn from soil?

    I keep some water inside the tray, and I noticed the soil in the cups have sucked them up and all the soil is very humid, is this ok? I'm not so sure, but I also noticed the seedlings aren't really changing much for the past 2 days
  3. Sheldon92

    Seedling Nutrition Burn from soil?

    After closer inspection I'm starting to think it's the seedling shell stuck on the leaf? :???:
  4. Sheldon92

    Seedling Nutrition Burn from soil?

    Transplanted rapid rooter seedlings into plastic cups 2-3 days ago into fox farm ocean forest soil I keep plastic cups in humidity domes, I plan to take and keep lid off a few days later Spray the seedlings and the humidity dome lid 4-5 times a day (the mist completely dries up in an hour :?)...
  5. Sheldon92

    Seedling primary root heading out of rapid rooter hole!

    Sounds good guys! I was a bit worried, thank you!
  6. Sheldon92

    Twins? :D (Not really a problem)

    @blake9999 It sounds like you don't really like twins:cry: @Cold$moke Wow really? This is my first time with only a few, looks like I lucked out! Looks like the longer one is winning already lol I think a competition like this will make the "winning plant" stronger/better, right?
  7. Sheldon92

    Twins? :D (Not really a problem)

    Not really a problem, but I don't know where to post this. Did my seedling just sprout twins? Or is this normal? I can recall 2 roots coming out of the seed from this one!
  8. Sheldon92

    Seedling primary root heading out of rapid rooter hole!

    The main root seems to be heading out of its hole, is this a problem?
  9. Sheldon92

    Mold or spider mites?

    I take it out to check on it 3-4 times a day, and I spray the paper towel when it gets dry. Now I kind of don't want to put it with the others haha
  10. Sheldon92

    Mold or spider mites?

    Yeah haha. It's my first time growing with seed so.. papa is worried ): This is afghan btw if it matters
  11. Sheldon92

    Mold or spider mites?

    It hasn't been in soil yet. I will try to get closer pic
  12. Sheldon92

    Mold or spider mites?

    I had a bunch of seeds after germination wrapped around paper towel. They all did fine and are in the dome, except this one which seems a bit slow so it's been by itself for an extra day. Now I opened it again and it's covered in white stuff! I previously had failed clones inside the grow room...
  13. Sheldon92

    First Grow - Many Problems

    Idk if I made this clear, but I got these like this. In a more worse shape I'd say. My first thought was to throw them out as well, but really I have a week before my seeds come in where I can start fresh from scratch. Not only is this good practice, but I do not wish to give up on them so...
  14. Sheldon92

    Will she live, doc?

    Not really that light. I think I've watered it plenty, in the middle is wet. My other plants seem to get mild nutrition burn as well. 600W I have her and 6 others. The others appear to be doing well I tried bending the middle and the branches, they bend ok and not break. Doesn't seem to be dry
  15. Sheldon92

    First Grow - Many Problems

    20C when lights off, 23-24C when on. Whats rh? Humidity? The vents don't seem to be wet anymore:clap: The hot air was being blown out just outside the tent, I redirected it outside the window; maybe that could have been the cause. Here's a more clear picture of one. The color seems to be...
  16. Sheldon92

    Will she live, doc?

    Been like this since I got her, 3 days later no signs of improvement. What to do?
  17. Sheldon92

    First Grow - Many Problems

    I have seeds coming in I'm going to mother those. God knows where these clones came from and whether or not they are the strains they claimed. I wanted to keep these until the seeds sprouted.
  18. Sheldon92

    First Grow - Many Problems

    Trim as in cut all the leaves and branches? Seems a tad bit complicated (I just started lol) I guess if its flowering just let it flower? My question though is when it starts, since I don't know for sure, will 20/4 light damage or confuse them?
  19. Sheldon92

    First Grow - Many Problems

    Hi, thanks for the response. I was thinking that a possibility. Is there a way to revert back to vegging? I think I read somewhere 24 hours of night time resets them, but I fear the plants are too weak to even consider that. I will try taking better photos in daylight
  20. Sheldon92

    First Grow - Many Problems

    I'm thinking I should transplant before I start to flower and switch to 12/12. Maybe veg for 2 weeks, wait until plants become more healthy then flower?