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  1. H

    Need some help with turning a new leaf

    I have made my own super soil organically, I have used a compost tea to add life to it. it’s a black gold mix which I have added a small amount of compost and other additives such as blood and bone meal, glacial rock dust alfalfa meal, bat guano, worm castings and some other Gaia green products...
  2. H

    Need some help with turning a new leaf

    Is there a forum on here with organic ways to boost bacteria or fungi in soils? I would really like to read some how to’s on different things I could use to really bring my soil to life and get it to its full potential
  3. H

    Need some help with turning a new leaf

    So if I have too much soil and I have added life to it, manure with worms, and tea to boost microbiology and compost can I keep it in a Rubbermaid container and it would stay alive without a plant growing in it? Because I made my mix today and have about 8 gallons more than what I need according...
  4. H

    Need some help with turning a new leaf

    Thank you for the replies! Awesome information!!!
  5. H

    Need some help with turning a new leaf

    I have read a lot about living soils and threads about them that’s why I feel confident in trying this I was just looking for some more advice and input from others on this thread and would love to hear more about what works well for others.
  6. H

    Need some help with turning a new leaf

    Thank you I would add a fraction of a living soil recipe that my good friend has given to me and top dress the rest I just wanted to give the soil a little start with the tea water to hydrate the soil to get it moving a little bit, I have kelp also that I will add and plan on making the tea...
  7. H

    Need some help with turning a new leaf

    I want to make a living soil (no till) but don’t have the room to make my own mix but already have all the ingredients. I have black gold compressed block soil and was looking to make a batch of compost tea in a large bin in order to hydrate the soil and start it off with microbes and fungi and...
  8. H

    New rooms wanting advice

    So what your saying is do an 7x3.5 room for flowering so that I wouldn't waste any light?
  9. H

    New rooms wanting advice

    I am making a new setup and want some advice for all of you guys! I have 3- 600watt dimmable ballasts with aircolled hoods, I have 2 vortex fans and 3-16" floor fans to move air around the rooms. I will be using my 2 fans for the lights to pull air from the room to create pressure to bring...
  10. H

    Legal but Seems odd?

    The province gets 75% of profits and the federal govt gets 25% from each province. The beer liquor companies all pay taxes and every time you look prices are going up on alcohol. So their making more and more from alcohol and you can make it at home. I know at least 20 people who make their own...
  11. H

    Legal but Seems odd?

    Just thinking about the legalization of marijuana in Canada but would it really be legal if the government can dictate how many plants you have (4 aloud) and how much each person possess at one time. It being the same as alcohol doesn't make sense because you can have 30+ dozen beer in your...
  12. H

    Legal but rules?

    Just thinking about the legalization of marijuana in Canada but would it really be legal if the government can dictate how many plants you have (4 aloud) and how much each person possess at one time. It being the same as alcohol doesn't make sense because you can have 30+ dozen beer in your...
  13. H

    Need help, venting new setup

    Thanks! I don't have any need to exhaust outside because the space in the area outside the grow area isn't heated I was going to let the heat from the light just vent through the rest of the workshop, I more than likely will just exhaust the air from the exhaust fan/carbon filter the same way...
  14. H

    Need help, venting new setup

    Am currently thinking about a flowering chamber of 4 ft long 3ft wide and 8ft high, will be completely lightproof and sealed but was wondering what size carbon filter to use, with what size fan, I will be buying a 600watt hps/mh dimmable ballast with a vented hood an will be...
  15. H

    4x3x8 and needs help/suggestions!!

    Am currently thinking about a flowering chamber of 4 ft long 3ft wide and 8ft high, will be completely lightproof and sealed but was wondering what size carbon filter to use, with what size fan, I will be buying a 600watt hps/mh dimmable ballast with a vented hood an will be...
  16. H

    will not clone..?

    alright thanks.. yeah i've done all of the above.. used a clear tub on top of them to keep the humidity in.. and now they are currently being fed water when they dry out.. and i will be transplanting into a soil medium.. so is it still ok to transplant them now..? it's been a few weeks.. and...
  17. H

    will not clone..?

    can anyone help? please
  18. H

    will not clone..?

    I Had some good plants that i wanted to sex... they were really healthyy.. so i decieded to clone the.. i got my razor blade and did some 45's on them.. then put them in the ssmall rockwoll cubes that had been pre soaked.. they are about 3 weeks old now and still sitting in the rockwoll cubes...
  19. H

    Seeds still sprout?

    alright thanks..