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  1. HeaveyKush

    So like, my hopes and dreams are crushed now....

    I have my reasons, reasons that I can't and won't disclose on this site. But there are no ways around the fee? Like certain insurance, or Financial Aid programs?
  2. HeaveyKush

    So like, my hopes and dreams are crushed now....

    And all together just from the Evaluations and Fee's alone, I need 400$+, I don't make that in even 2 years. Are there ANY loopholes or anything that I can get around to wave the apointment fees? Medical Insurance, assistance for people who don't have a lot of money, etc? Please I beg anyone who...
  3. HeaveyKush

    So like, my hopes and dreams are crushed now....

    I mean the part where I have to get a Licensed MD or Physician to Evaluate me, and then sign my papers that I have to mail in with all the other stuff.
  4. HeaveyKush

    So like, my hopes and dreams are crushed now....

    I just found out that the Evaluation with any MD or Physician costs well over 100$, and I need 2 of them... There's no way I'm going to be able to get the money to pay for that, I barely have enough to pay for the stuff I need to grow, so I'm screwed in both ways.. =[
  5. HeaveyKush

    Medical Marijuana recommendation Process

    Well hopefully the place he went is still doing the evaluations, cuz there is no way I can pay that much. I asked him if I can go to a hospital and get both evaluations from any 2 doctors there, he said he doesn't know but I should be able to. Has anyone gotten there evaluations from a hospital?
  6. HeaveyKush

    Medical Marijuana recommendation Process

    Whoa.. 150$+? I don't mean to be rude or insult your intelligence (I'm not :P) But I just got off the phone with a couple different people who said they had there evaluation for free o.o
  7. HeaveyKush

    Medical Marijuana recommendation Process

    bump... can I just go to any nearby hospital and get the recommendation from 2 different Licensed MD's?
  8. HeaveyKush

    Medical Marijuana recommendation Process

    Where would I go? And does it cost anything to get the checkup/doctor or physician to sign the papers? I'm under 18, so I need to have 2 different Physicians recommend it to me. (Parents consent to it, yes, I meet all the other requirements too) But yeah, where can/do I go? Can I just walk...
  9. HeaveyKush

    planting my seeds

    I see. So I'd be fine if I put 2 plants in each 10 Gal. container right? And I don't have to fill each container to the top with soul do I? How much would you say I would need for each plant? Maybe 1 Gallon - 1.5 Gallons per plant?
  10. HeaveyKush

    planting my seeds

    Bump. got bumped waaaay out of site.
  11. HeaveyKush

    planting my seeds

    Edit: or can I just keep them in the Rubber Maid Containers the whole growth period? (from week 1 to the end)
  12. HeaveyKush

    planting my seeds

    do I want to plant my seeds each in separate round potting plants, and then later on transplant them into a bigger planter? i plan on starting with 6 round potting plants, and then 2 weeks later transplanting into 3 separate rubber maid containers (2 plants in each) Here is the rubber maid...
  13. HeaveyKush

    Need Help Deciding What Seeds To Buy

    Actually I've decided to go with some Ak-48 A lot of sites said they grow FAST, and yet still have a very nice harvest and high. Plus a lot of sites and people say it is good for a first time grower.
  14. HeaveyKush

    Medical Marijuana Card Revoked

    Since when is Cancer the only treatable Medical Condition?
  15. HeaveyKush

    Medical Marijuana Card Revoked

    I just read in the Medical Marihuana Act of Michigan that if the Patient is found to be not using Marihuana to alleviate the Patients medical condition, it will be revoked. I, actually have a real condition, but how would they find out if someone wasn't using it to help with medical problems...
  16. HeaveyKush

    Medical Marijuana Card Revoked

    I just read in the Medical Marihuana Act of Michigan that if the Patient is found to be not using Marihuana to alleviate the Patients medical condition, it will be revoked. I, actually have a real condition, but how would they find out if someone wasn't using it to help with medical problems...
  17. HeaveyKush

    Feds and Medical Marihuana

    I looked through the thread and I couldn't pull from it what changes will be made, are these changes set in stone? Or are they going up for vote? And what changes are they?
  18. HeaveyKush

    My grow room

    If I had a basement I'd grow it down there ;s The absolute only place that I have in my house is my Closet it's impossible for me to grow it anywhere else. And as a quick off-topic mind-refresher question, I want to plant my seeds in regular separate potting plants for the first 2 weeks, and...
  19. HeaveyKush

    My grow room

    well my grow room is my closet. it's 8 Ft. Long, 10 Ft. Tall, and 4 Ft. Wide. i'm planning on building a table to hold the plants on, 4 Ft. off the ground that spans the whole width of the closet, where i'm going to put my 4 potting plants to start out. after they are ready to be transplanted...
  20. HeaveyKush

    watering your plant

    i mean when the plant is flowering, i plan on misting my plants while they are flowering, and watering the root. i heard that really helps