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  1. SinSemillaWhisperer420

    Co2 during flowering

    Lol week 8 they all look depleted and I just fed dr earth flower girl a day ago. I’m new to this. Why u two being like that. It’s pathetic. I never said I had fire. U guy’s must think I’m trying to compete with ur perfect grows. ‍♀️
  2. SinSemillaWhisperer420

    Co2 during flowering

    Yea I’m experimenting with an ice flush. I know bro science. I run experiments for my own reasons.
  3. SinSemillaWhisperer420

    Co2 during flowering

    Funny I work for the industry Lol What am I gonna learn from u except how to be a dick to someone who is new to growing and trying to learn. No thanks. I work in the industry. I’ll take my advice from the pros and people that aren’t so full of themselves that they tell others to follow them.
  4. SinSemillaWhisperer420

    Co2 during flowering

    I’m looking for these growers currently. Perhaps you can suggest someone to follow?
  5. SinSemillaWhisperer420

    Co2 during flowering

    That is all general info. I’m looking for something more specific to CO2s effects on late stage (last 2 weeks) of flowering. But thanks again!
  6. SinSemillaWhisperer420

    Co2 during flowering

    If u do what, do what do you read?
  7. SinSemillaWhisperer420

    Co2 during flowering

    What do u read that’s worth ur time to grow better if u dnt use scientific data?
  8. SinSemillaWhisperer420

    Co2 during flowering

    U didn’t answer my question
  9. SinSemillaWhisperer420

    Co2 during flowering

    Like I’m sorry I’m lost listening to this shit
  10. SinSemillaWhisperer420

    Co2 during flowering

    Ok what studies do u read? Cuz ur basically calling the phD scientist thatCannabis Business Insider decided to publish bs. Honestly, where do u get ur science?
  11. SinSemillaWhisperer420

    Co2 during flowering

    Could be a false positive lmao
  12. SinSemillaWhisperer420

    Co2 during flowering

    Look up and know ur sources and u don’t need to worry about false positives
  13. SinSemillaWhisperer420

    Co2 during flowering

    There are multiple publishers and a multitude of studies. Not just this study but sure to each there own
  14. SinSemillaWhisperer420

    Co2 during flowering

    3 Tips for Controlled Drought Stress Departments - Upfront | Quick Tips Limit water to maximize cannabinoid and terpene levels in cannabis production. SUBSCRIBE May 26, 2021 Dr. Deron Caplan, Ph.D. Figure 1. Location for leaf angle measurement to indicate degree of wilting in cannabis...
  15. SinSemillaWhisperer420

    Perpetual CO2 Grow

    I’m a newbie homie. Was just having fun getting roasted. Homie where r ur plants?
  16. SinSemillaWhisperer420

    Co2 during flowering

    3 Tips for Controlled Drought Stress Departments - Upfront | Quick Tips Limit water to maximize cannabinoid and terpene levels in cannabis production. SUBSCRIBE May 26, 2021 Dr. Deron Caplan, Ph.D. Figure 1. Location for leaf angle measurement to indicate degree of wilting in cannabis. Severe...
  17. SinSemillaWhisperer420

    Co2 during flowering

    I sincerely appreciate all of ur guy’s attention to detail and time. But I think I got down the notes I needed.
  18. SinSemillaWhisperer420

    Co2 during flowering

    Check ice equals bro science equals we don’t know but it will turn them purple.