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  1. C

    AACT strength question

    The point of brewing a tea is for the microbes to "take over" the base-water. A concentrated brew may just bite you in the butt by not allowing the room and oxygen they'd need to grow.
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    Vermicomposters Unite! Official Worm Farmers Thread

    Add some mulch on top of your top dress, it'll keep the "top layer" nice and moist and happy.
  3. C

    most consistent/best auto seed company?

    Mephisto is top tier, dinafem, Dutch passion, fast buds, nightowl are all right there.
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    What is the point of adding amendments to a compost tea?

    You too dress after brewing, brewing puts more of the beneficials into an already useable state. You can't foliar a top dress, but you can brew foliar and too dress the left overs, etc.
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    Does anyone use worms in their indoor garden?

    Hahahha and if you read the link shared they also don't say ship direct. Most places don't advertise drop shipping and if you've ever worked in any kind of sales you'd know it's common in alot of industry, live animals shouldn't be one.
  6. C

    Does anyone use worms in their indoor garden?

    Join any worm composting group and research for yourself or place some orders and watch them all ship from different states. And please separate the blues from reds and let us know how many of your reds you paid for aren't.... Your choice. Much better places out there- Green Greg's, Texas worm...
  7. C

    first autoflower grow any tips/ feeding guides. guidance

    Yep just start small and have fun.
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    first autoflower grow any tips/ feeding guides. guidance

    Don't give up. You can grow weed in dirt. All the extras are to make it better. Pop some seeds and enjoy it, don't let it stress you. My last year outdoor went to shit cuz of bugs end of season, learn and grow. Some of my best bud so far was my first grow- tinkering with things takes time. Get a...
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    first autoflower grow any tips/ feeding guides. guidance

    I run pretty much knf/organic/no till with compost, castings and good mulch. So not a huge help. I've had good success using nectar One shot- dry slow release. Add some when first mix up your soil, too dress around when flowers start. It's simple.
  10. C

    first autoflower grow any tips/ feeding guides. guidance

    You can mix one shot in when starting then topdress around when start seeing flowers, can pick up your choice of liquid or dry feed, pick up tea blends, fish hudrolysate, lots of options and ways to go about feeding.
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    first autoflower grow any tips/ feeding guides. guidance

    Nectar One Shot is what I run for slow release. The owner has a little video about using One Shot on autos.
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    Contemplating using compost

    Only thing I'll add is this close to season bokashi may be the only viable for this year's use. I'd get a worm bin going now so it's ready for next year ahead of time.
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    first autoflower grow any tips/ feeding guides. guidance

    Moisture meeters are generally useless. Nectar #4 is my current go to for quick bag soil.
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    FPJ for flower!

    Osmotic pressure. The dry sugar is what sucks out the good stuff.
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    FPJ for flower!

    If you Google knf ffj the first result is literally from Cho's natural farming and is a proper method.
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    FPJ for flower!

    You need to use brown sugar, you don't want to add extra liquid in. All the liquid will come from you sourced material if done properly. Watch the Chris Trump videos, highly informative.
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    FPJ for flower!

    Molasses doesn't go in either one. Just sugar and source material equal weights then capped.
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    FPJ for flower!

    Molasses doesn't go in fpj, just sugar and source material.
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    Disappointed with the 420 promo at Seedsman.

    I was happy with it. Got some DP seeds on way and if luck wins out can cross with some purple microdot.
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    Oregon Outdoor, 2020

    Im hoping to cross with some autos one way or another. Good to know a more common name!! I knew would be a long one so already planning some garage space.