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  1. Yota

    Micro Grow

    Yes! Top Ramen and Cardboard box's!
  2. Yota

    Coco Growers Unite!

    This stuff is really good coco by the way
  3. Yota

    Please help...major overhaul and need advice...

    do u guys scrub the big rez's though? clean off all the build up? I got no problem hooking up a pump and draining, although there is always a little bit still left in the rez when i add new nutes. I just hate the scrubbing it clean part lol
  4. Yota

    Please help...major overhaul and need advice...

    damn, no love, anyone got anything for me
  5. Yota

    Please help...major overhaul and need advice...

    It's pretty basic set up
  6. Yota

    Watering w/lights off=cardinal sin???

    do you notice drop off in yeild with temps that dip that low???
  7. Yota

    Please help...major overhaul and need advice...

    Ok maybe its not THAT major, but I plan to double the size of the room. I need to re-think the type of system im going to use though. Heres my situation. I am currently using a 4X4 space with a 600w, ebb flow system. The reservoir is 70gal and a pain in the royal butt to change and clean etc...
  8. Yota

    Is It Time Yet?

    also, dont be feeling the trichs for consistency....they break off and you lose thc when you touch them. use the microscope
  9. Yota

    Is It Time Yet?

    4 questions, no sorry 5 questions now....please, this is all I swear I wont ask any more questions I promise....... 1. Where on the plant should I check for those BUD trics first? outside, middle, top. Or should I say, where does it amber up first usually? tops are going to be the most ripe...
  10. Yota

    Single 600watt, double 600watt, or 1000watt?

    id do 2 600w in that space. Some will say do two 1000w....but do not use 1 600w, or 1 1000w
  11. Yota

    Blue Dream Advice Appreciated

    i had a freind just grow some out. And yes, they got very tall and stretched. So good luck, make sure you got enough room
  12. Yota

    one2threeLIGHTS4... one2threeBUDS4's NEW GROW ROOM/GROW JOURNAL

    what is deep water culture method...never heard of it. What strain...GDP again?
  13. Yota


    whats the dimensions of the space you want to use...are u making a box inside the closet? 250 is not gonna light up more than a 3X3 space. That fan should be more than enough.
  14. Yota

    Is It Time Yet?

    more time!!!!
  15. Yota

    Toping the PLants

    Regarding the comment about not topping mothers. I top all my moms to get more shoots growing, it makes the plant bushier. Then you top the new top shoots and it even gets bushier. More to clone with. So if height is an issue for mom, top it - - as far as flowering plants, top if you want, play...
  16. Yota


    just posting some budporn of some strains morningstar
  17. Yota

    help wanna start again what is safe

    clean out the room and hire an electrician...dont want to burn the place down.
  18. Yota

    finally got the camera working...(purple urkle)

    very nice man. You in the bay area? id trade all the cuttings i got for a clone of the real Urkle....I got my papers so hit me up if youd be willing to part with a baby. I know people hold on to awesome strains like this and guard em, but i thought id throw it out there if your in the bay area...
  19. Yota

    light ?'s 1 600 wt or 6 100 watts

    id personally go with the 600w - less hassle then separate little ones.