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  1. high|hgih

    how fucked up do you think this would get you

    Lol lol Lol Lol lol I smoked some triple dipped tabs once and I loled
  2. high|hgih

    Omg ketamine and strobe light = zoot suit

    Sorry, that comeback was not even good.
  3. high|hgih

    Omg ketamine and strobe light = zoot suit

    Your universe started as dick.
  4. high|hgih

    how often do you take psychedelics??

    It's like the moon man, sometimes it's full three times a week and sometimes it's full once a fort-night. Sometimes it's red. Sometimes I wonder why there's green around it. "Do elves have to do with this?", I think. Shortly after, it actually was green for some reason and I still don't...
  5. high|hgih

    Omg ketamine and strobe light = zoot suit

    It would seem that the universe has cornered me. I was minding my dandy, well-managed business. Then dick universe comes waltzen up like some kinda wise guy and says. He says, "aye toeknee! Get up off that floor and come use internet and say omg because strobe light.". He says that.
  6. high|hgih

    Omg ketamine and strobe light = zoot suit

    Oh my god i put a strobe on on ketamine and oh my god I whipped put my dick and three inches oh my god And I look like soj terkian oh my god Oh my god Oh my god
  7. high|hgih

    whats in a good ayahuasca mix??

    It depends honestly, some of the deepest experiences I had I didn't puke at all. I have puked a couple times though just make sure you don't drink it too fast. Take a shot and wait for that to hit your stomach and be over with then take another. Weed helps. Take it slow, after about 3 you'll...
  8. high|hgih

    whats in a good ayahuasca mix??

    Yes you could. Or you could swallow the dmt in a pill capsul to prolong the experience I'd say to look that up
  9. high|hgih

    whats in a good ayahuasca mix??

    No problem man, glad people are interested in this. I know it's changed my life forever and can say with confidence that it is basically the best idea that I ever had in my life. Just remember to think about 'why' you're taking it. What your intentions are. What's 'wrong' with you? How can you...
  10. high|hgih

    whats in a good ayahuasca mix??

    The plants are growable, I've thought about it before and maybe someday I will. For now though a good friend of mine owns an ethnobotanical business and his plants are of best health so I just go through him. God damn! I could understand maybe 3 plants involved but 15 sounds like too much lol...
  11. high|hgih

    whats in a good ayahuasca mix??

    The diet won't kill you. That's bogus. Doing the diet will reward you though. A more traditional way, people use b. Caapi and chakruna. But I've just had friends do this and produce dud brews. The recipe I posted works. It has taken a lot of trial and error to get that down to what it is...
  12. high|hgih

    whats in a good ayahuasca mix??

    Yup. Just got off actually. Fucking issues occured. My muscles hurt so I'm devouring kratom like some sort of plectasomus. 200g acacia confusa. 35g Syrian rue + an extra pinch for good measure. Add all plant material into a pot with a little over a liter of water that is at a simmer(just a...
  13. high|hgih


    Okay yeah, wins by far. Bikhuk sells 800g bags for $99. I bought 500g red Borneo/500g green Borneo. I toss n washed shy of a tablespoon and feel more than threashold effects. God damn life is gonna be good.
  14. high|hgih


    I just bought 1/2 kg of green Borneo and another half of red borneo. Gonna get here monday, very excited.
  15. high|hgih

    What do you think about rocks/crystals effect on consciousness?

    All it comes down to in my mind is that imperfection is perfection itself. Love is what you're here for. Whether biological or spiritual. The universe unfolds as it should. You are what you know. And what you know is belief.
  16. high|hgih

    DMT sounds mind blowing

    What else? :0
  17. high|hgih

    DMT sounds mind blowing

    No problem man, You should read some of the experiences on erowid. They're awesome. I think I have a thread on here somewhere from when I first had an experience with it about a year ago(but my times off all the time. Haha I believe it was about a year ago :p) Here's two I've found that were...
  18. high|hgih

    DMT sounds mind blowing

    But have you used one? Because that's exactly what I thought and it's honestly a lot better and easier. One key bump into a rig = outer space. Bowls are just a waste of time imo
  19. high|hgih

    DMT sounds mind blowing

    Haha I suppose they're both synonymous! Technically, I guess. I do have a medicine man liscense and am allowed to use any plant as a religious mean in any place as long as I am conducting a bundle ceremony. Not allowed to give unless I establish a chapter with two others. There's more perks to...