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  1. high|hgih

    how much are 5mg valuims?

    I wouldn't be so sure of that. Rory, how much will gelatin hold and where do I get it?
  2. high|hgih

    how much are 5mg valuims?

    Fuck I'd do it Those are nice to have laying around My mom gives me her old prescriptions of valium because she never uses the whole thing. then I have etizolam on top of it. Just took valium because of this thread but all I need is 5mg. Trying to buy some flubromazepam to have sitting around...
  3. high|hgih

    I want to learn more about Kratom

    Kratom can be mean on the stomach if it wants to.. Haha I was just gonna do an extract on 100g or so, try a tenth of what comes out and then if that's big enough to cap, then I'm in business. If not then x2.. etc.. I hope the tummy doesn't get too upset. That always sucks. I'd bet that you...
  4. high|hgih

    horrific 25i spider trip! help!!

    Mescaline is awesome. If you get scared on mescaline, you have some problems! I wonder what K on mesc would be like.. I wish I could get K'd the fuck out at the peyote ceremonies.. I'll just take some home with me next time and K out on it by my lonesome ;)
  5. high|hgih

    horrific 25i spider trip! help!!

    I wannna heearrr the storryyyy!!!!!
  6. high|hgih

    horrific 25i spider trip! help!!

    Either way, I can tell you that it's not abnormal for someone who's been awake too long to see specifically spiders. I've seen it happen to a lot of people and it's happened to me.
  7. high|hgih

    horrific 25i spider trip! help!!

    Definitely keep that in mind! When I was really young I used to mess with diphenhydramine and dxm a lot. The diphenhydramine would always have me seeing spiders and falling asleep on accident. Then I started to realize after I was awake for too long on dxm and my ADD meds, there'd be spiders all...
  8. high|hgih

    horrific 25i spider trip! help!!

    I've never had that happen but I do know that spiders are often affiliated with sleep deprivation which would make sense if you took it at 5am after partying.
  9. high|hgih


  10. high|hgih

    I want to learn more about Kratom

    I have always gotten mine from Bikhuk, gonna have to look into those others. Thanks Liberty! It seems Kratom is getting less hot every month now! Thank God.. The pill caps are nice. I take 8, 00's and it makes me feel like I just took 20mg of vicodin or so to put it in comparison. This is...
  11. high|hgih

    Let's get drunk!!!

    I might have been! Who knows! There's all sorts of pictures like these I forget what they are called. I've always had a need to turn a room into a place just full of these dirty japanese vintage pornos all framed and everything. That'd be so awesome, it's fucking weird though. I'd never get...
  12. high|hgih

    Let's get drunk!!!

    Fresh outta Ferguson.. I hate dumbasses
  13. high|hgih

    nbome, mxe, 4ho-mipt, 5meo-dmt, mdma, 2c-e and 2c-b

    Right! You remember that old cheesy batman? That one was pretty weird. It's fun to just get a VCR player and the shittiest action movie you have laying around. I bet you'll find something worth thinking about in there haha But yes, it's really bizarre. Of course there's a wall that I can't...
  14. high|hgih

    Alex Grey

    I've always wanted to go to the chapel of mirrors. I told myself next time I saw his blotter art... MmmMMMmmmMMMMMMmmmMMmmm Psychedelicsex yumyum My picture is actually just what my avatar looks like if you ate a bunch of LSD. The octopus actually has a human soul, you see.
  15. high|hgih

    nbome, mxe, 4ho-mipt, 5meo-dmt, mdma, 2c-e and 2c-b

    I too have been there, but not like that. You know back a few years ago Skuxx with the DXM. Then.. Yeah.. All the time. K is important. The philosophical side of it is just.. Abstract and trippy.. Love it. Then also my friends love me on K because I become an instant comedian. Not to brag. But...
  16. high|hgih

    LSD Abuse!

    I am safe. A friend of mines' mom had a confrontation with the Walrus as well, luckily no knives were used. This story still haunts her to this day when I go visit. She took like 19 ambiens, 15 vicodins, 5 xanax and some beer or something just like most nights except this night she took a lot...
  17. high|hgih

    LSD Abuse!

    LUCY AND THE WALRUS ARE IN LOVE. I agree with you guys, but I will still say that the walrus likes lucy and tames her without making her confused or forgetful. Doing that before every LSDay would be kind of ridiculous. The last two times I put ambien in my mouth, it ended with me seeing...
  18. high|hgih

    Alex Grey

  19. high|hgih

    Need help identifying what I smoked

    "No you didn't get laced, you just got really high."
  20. high|hgih

    LSD Abuse!

    You know what's weird? If I take 10mg of ambien before I take acid, the trip is always better. It completely abolishes any awkwardness and uncomfort without causing any tiredness or forgetfulness. Yesterday I was on 20mg ambien with a good amount of whiskey in me when I guess I decided to put...