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  1. Thedunnaman

    Yet ANOTHER mini-split A/C question

    I got mine cheap off Craigslist, 250$! 2009 Sanyo 12,000 btu r-410 120v. The inside handler was full of dirt and mold. I had to completely pull apart the inside handler, take off the electronics, pressure wash, then bleach the hell out of it. Dried it out in the sun. When I took it apart I seen...
  2. Thedunnaman

    Yet ANOTHER mini-split A/C question

    I just hooked up my 12,000 btu split unit! Most of them have a dehumidifier on them. I must say I will never go back to window/wall, or stand up units. These mini splits r super quiet! U can hear my inline fans over the ac. After I hooked it up it was so quiet I didn’t even realize it was on...
  3. Thedunnaman

    New closet setup, running an under current system , looking for feedback and suggestions

    Strait from Soma's book: “I do everything in soil, so the clones start in soil also. Most people these days use rockwool but it’s too toxic for me. Breathing the dust in from dry rockwool isn’t much different from asbestos.” Excerpt From: Soma. “Organic Marijuana, Soma Style.” Perseus...
  4. Thedunnaman

    Feels like another Facebook.insted of a place for info.

    Feels like another Facebook.insted of a place for info.
  5. Thedunnaman

    Can u delete this account.this site is not what I thought it was.i thought it was about the...

    Can u delete this account.this site is not what I thought it was.i thought it was about the plant,the prohibition,the grow!the right.i didn't know it was nothing but kids thinking they know every thing,and dissing other people is there hobby!
  6. Thedunnaman

    Ez cost efficient grow report,using bare minimal tools,and dj short true blueberry

    Hi cass,I mean no disrespect to our friend.he had sum real good info to add to the report,just went about the wrong way of writing it.hey I never new about the bags.i hope he will return to add some more info on our report.i hope any body reading this will add sum good info.but thanks for...
  7. Thedunnaman

    Ez cost efficient grow report,using bare minimal tools,and dj short true blueberry

    And my avatar is my valentines gift I gave my wife this year.not just some random pic I pulled off the net. Wanna see scars,yea I got scars!!!!
  8. Thedunnaman

    Carbon filter + fan size for 3x3x6.5 tent

    Over power it!!!!!put a 6"just on just the light.then add what ever fits ya vents on intake and exhaust.then add 2 cheap fans on inside to blow air around the currently running 1 6"inline on a 600whps cool tube.3 small computer fans I pulled from my cheap broke ass led light.2 small...
  9. Thedunnaman

    New closet setup, running an under current system , looking for feedback and suggestions

    Dam dude!u just mentioned a easy 3000$ in all sounds good.But remember this saying,GROWING IS ONLY AS HARD AS U MAKE IT.please post some love to see that little bc box running at full flower! As far as hydroton,it's a good base for a established plant.i have cloned using...
  10. Thedunnaman

    40 plant sog table

    I would suggest some light movers.40 plants is kind of hard to get them 600's close,and still have light on every plant.further ya plant is from the light,more stretch u going to get.i did 50 in a 5'x5' nft system.used only one 600hps and only 5 of them covered the whole garden.the rest didn't...
  11. Thedunnaman

    Ez cost efficient grow report,using bare minimal tools,and dj short true blueberry

    These r my beans 30 hours after a faster way d$&k 9,let me know!
  12. Thedunnaman

    Ez cost efficient grow report,using bare minimal tools,and dj short true blueberry

    Come to think about it,won't that cause mold build up,no air flow?i wanted 2 mention something about that 2 in the process.leaving out in sun would b better and more cost efficient due to the sun acting as a fungicide.and no need to purchase a heat Matt.i like to use the matt because yes it does...
  13. Thedunnaman

    Ez cost efficient grow report,using bare minimal tools,and dj short true blueberry

    No need 2 prove myself my friend.ask me any question and I can answer it 2 the best of my ability!
  14. Thedunnaman

    Ez cost efficient grow report,using bare minimal tools,and dj short true blueberry

    But thanks for the tip with the plastic bag.
  15. Thedunnaman

    Ez cost efficient grow report,using bare minimal tools,and dj short true blueberry

    Always got a hater.every where I,I was mentioning the fact follow what my guru told me.not the grow report.all the grow report is on here to help.not hurt.see u can't even post nothing without people getting offended,and thinking they better than u.thats another fact in life.
  16. Thedunnaman

    Post your 4x4x6.5 grow tent(:

    Any thing can b made into a self efficient room.tent by far is your cheapest long as u have good ventilation and plenty of light your well off. I made my own custom flower room from a med cabinet.real nice.i might have total about $300 into it,but cabinet was a freebie from a guy I...
  17. Thedunnaman

    Ez cost efficient grow report,using bare minimal tools,and dj short true blueberry

    Hello,if u r a newbie please listen to my experience.Ive been a grower since 2005 and hope my knowledge can help u bring a new life in this world.The way the universe intended it 2 b.I started out wanting the best.striving to out do others was my goal.please don't b fooled by what u hear on the...