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  1. N

    Note to self thread

    In the environment I live in a big player is 1000 lbs per year I'm very small in the scope of the neighborhood. I run 1 indoor a year and a few green house runs in a smaller GH. I plan on legalization in 2016 at that point I will get a permit and make the cartels look small! lol
  2. N

    What is the best/favorite vaporizer pens in your opinion?

    I'm tired of my Atmos pen plugging up the vents. It works great for a few days then becomes hard to pull through and has to be cleaned. How's the maintenance on the itaste?
  3. N

    Note to self thread

    Yes it is insane I hear others on here talking about low power bills our county and several local cities are also trying to stab excess power users with a 45% over use tax if you use over 600% of your allowed base line there will be a 45% tax on your bill. With my solar I can run 4 1000's to veg...
  4. N

    i have a undercover cop harassing me what should i do

    Pay him off thats what i would do most cops would gladly take cash to go away! Lol
  5. N

    Professional s howdo you get 1 gram per watt?

    Come to Humboldt and I'll give you a Blue Dream strain that is bullet It produces roughly .9 grams per watt and takes fertilizer like a champ. I'm getting board with her and am looking for a loud Scout strain that I've seen locally here over the past few months. I try not to buy clones...
  6. N

    Professional s howdo you get 1 gram per watt?

    I would say 80% is strain and 20% is other. A good strain will yield for a piss poor grower. I have friends that somehow pull 2 1/4 lbs and spend about 1/2 the time on there grow that I do. I grow around 30 strains always with exactly the same soil, light, fertilizer, humidity, air flow, and...
  7. N

    Note to self thread

    I run 4 to 6 1000's and my power bill is around 700 a month along with 32 170 watt solar panels. Cali sucks for power they rape us to death. When I first started you could figure 50 bucks a light now we figure $150. Bend over the utility company is coming over to play!!!
  8. N

    Hash and Oil Picture Thread

    I've been hitting the dabs all morning so couch lock was on my agenda! Going to have an espresso and hide the vap pen from myself...
  9. N

    Note to self thread

    For sure good help is hard to find. I see people along the highway here daily with signs saying trimmer looking How did the c-99 turn out? I have freebee seeds from attitude going now about a month to go. I took 4 clones off of her too just in case many times at harvest I regret not cloning...
  10. N

    Hash and Oil Picture Thread

    After looking at your pictures I suddenly got motivated to blast. I have had 3 tubes 100 grams each just sitting in the freezer waiting to get blasted. Its Blue Dream killer bud loaded with seeds it makes the best shatter. I haven't tried germinating any of the blasted seeds but I'm going to...
  11. N

    Note to self thread

    Texas is a hard state to operate in lots of risk I would get the hell out before they lock you ass up for looking like you smoke weed! I was stationed there at Ft Sam Huston couldn't wait to get out too hot for me I love the redwood climate and the ocean breeze with the sent of fresh cannibals...
  12. N

    Note to self thread

    MD you are one of the most bad ass grower chicks I follow! You really know whats up, is medical cannibals legal in Florida or are you stealth?
  13. N

    Note to self thread

    Yes I'm from Humboldt born and raised. Are you talking about the BBQ in Sac? We should have one in Humboldt? I wanted to go but had a preplanned camping trip with the family and wouldn't miss it for anything! Were expecting high winds tonight and wtf tornadoes? I just had to tie the green house...
  14. N

    Note to self thread

    No I don't sell cuts I give them to friends. I've got a green house that uses a couple hundred of them and the rest go under 6 1000's. Most of my T5s are supplement lighting the greenhouse in the winter. I'm able to pull 4 runs a year out of it. I have been in the game for many years back when...
  15. N

    Note to self thread

    Do you think the 12 bulb t5 works better than a 400 watt HPS? I have a couple dozen 4 bulb t5 in my clone room but have never used them to bud. I always went by the rule that you should get 1 gram per light that's why I use 1000's I would love to drop down to a 400 watt T5 with the same results.
  16. N

    Hash and Oil Picture Thread

    Blue Dream makes the best shatter so far for me. I have blasted at least 20 different strains over the last couple of months and Blue Dream still is my favorite!! Keep up the good work that shit looks soooo sweet..
  17. N

    another need a new strain thread (looking for top A++ fire only)

    Good morning! Have you tried shatter or wax for your pain? I switched a couple of months ago after 20 years of smoking flowers and I finally get it. I tried smoking flowers a few times since then and can even stand the taste. Not sure if that's good or bad I also fell really good kind of out of...
  18. N

    Hash and Oil Picture Thread

    Very well said..
  19. N

    Hash and Oil Picture Thread

    I use whip it 9X now but started with 5X. Seem about the same I tried a few premium cans of Vector and whip it but saw very little difference in them. I'm pretty new to the dab scene but I get it. I have many different strains to smoke but always go for the dabs now. I tried some OG yesterday in...
  20. N

    Hash and Oil Picture Thread

    Wow Dank that looks really good!! I just made shatter a few weeks ago for the first time. It turned out great but the yield was small like 5%, I just can't seem to figure out what my problem is? I dehydrate for 3 1/2 hrs, pack tightly in tube, and use butane until it runs clear. Is it possible...